Arbeitskreis Israel/Palästina e.V. Bonn
- Archiv: Juli 2006 - Mai 2007 -
Mai 2007
Eigene Veranstaltungen
29.05: Monatliche Mitgliederversammlung: Vorbereitung für den Kirchentag u.a.; Margarete Grundmann-Haus; Lotharstraße 84-86; Bonn Bonn-Kessenich; 19:00 Uhr
31.05: Ägypten kritisiert Erklärung des Nahost-Quartetts - Ägypten hat die Forderungen des Nahost-Quartetts nach einem sofortigen Gewaltverzicht der Palästinenser als "unausgewogen" und "unrealistisch" verurteilt. ... Israel (werde) lediglich aufgefordert, bei seinen Militäraktionen zivile Opfer zu vermeiden. ... sie gibt Israel eine Art grünes Licht, seine Offensiven in den Palästinensergebieten fortzusetzen."
For a secular democratic state (S. Makdisi) (IMEU)
South Africa's largest trade union seeks to boycott Israel (haa)
DIE LINKE: Nahost-Quartett muss Waffenlieferungen stoppen (gdn)
30.05: Lecturers back boycott of Israel
Helga Baumgarten: Nordirland als Vorbild für den Nahen Osten (dradio)
Barghouthi urges Quartet, meeting in Berlin today, to recognise the Palestinian unity government (maan)
In solidarity with Palestinians - An international, non-violent movement supporting divestment, sanctions and boycott of Israel is gathering strength. While progress has been made in Northern Ireland and South Africa, Israel continues to settle and occupy Palestinian land in defiance of international law. (gdn)
Democracy for Jews only (Y. Laor)
Nur eine Seite der Geschichte (standard)
'Rockets of futility'? (H.A. Nimah)
29.05: Durgard: Nahost-Quartett muss fair und unparteiisch handeln
Pack Up and Leave or Stay Home and Die - Bush's New Middle East (M. Whitney)
28.05: EJJP fordert eine entschlossene europäische Initiative für einen gerechten Frieden im Nahen Osten
On the Academic Boycott of Israel (V. Tilley)
machsom watch: Weekly Digest 20.5.07-26.5.07 (kb)
27.05: Israel won. But so have the Islamists i The 1967 war was not only a defeat for Arab nationalism - it was also a defeat for secular Arab politics. (gdn)
It's better to be orphans (G. Levy)
26.05: Interview mit Karen Amstrong. Über religiösen Fundamentalismus und moderne Kultur, über Selbstmordattentate als Mittel im Kampf gegen die Okkupation (jw)
An academic and cultural boycott of Israel is the only way of protecting the Palestinians (gdn)
25.05: Fraktion DIE LINKE: Parlament und Regierung können in israelischen Gefängnissen tagen (gdp)
Israel bombardiert Gaza, Merkel schweigt (jw)
Libanon: Situation in Naher al-Bared Camp eskaliert (ism)
24.05: Blowback in Lebanon - "The Islamists at the centre of the fighting were built up by pro-government forces for sectarian reasons" (C. Harb)
23.05: The result of bad politics - according to the appalling Oslo arrangement, Israel succeeded ... to secure the voluntary, if not enthusiastic, consent of the widely recognised "sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" to legitimise its occupation and to consolidate all its war gains, practically at no cost (H.A. Nimah)
22.05: Öl ins Feuer (nd)
Army pounds refugee camp as death toll rises in conflict with Islamist militants - "The US has backed the government of Fouad Siniora, ... saying the army operation in northern Lebanon was legitimate. " (gdn)
Hersh: Bush administration arranged support for militants attacking Lebanon (trs)
Gaza brennt - Augenzeugenbericht über die umkämpfte Stadt [17.05] (L. Haddad)
Israeli Forest Named After Australian Prime Minister (S. Karkar)
21.05: Roadmap to Apartheid: Israeli "Peace" Plan Points to Palestinian Prison State (J. Halper)
Chosenness and Israeli Exceptionalism (Shahid Alam)
Who's normal here? - IDF violence and lying politicians have become the norm in Israel (ynet)
Barghouthi: Israel commits war crimes while the world remains silent (maan)
19.05: Audio: Interview with Israeli historian Ilan Pappe (ei)
16.05: Palestinian Pinochet Making His Move? - "The Fatah gunmen who are reported to have initiated the breakdown of the Palestinian unity government ... get their orders [from] Mohammed Dahlan, the Gaza warlord who has long been Washington's anointed favorite" (T. Karon)
As Gaza Burns - Laila El-Haddad writing from Gaza City, occupied Palestine
Putschszenario - Innenminister in Gaza tritt zurück (jw)
15.05: Zum Gedenken an Al-Nakba - Heute, am 15. Mai 2007, jährt sich die nakba - der Tag der palästinensischen Katastrophe - zum 59. Mal [an dem] ein Großteil der Palästinenser aus ihrem ursprünglichen Heimatland vertrieben [wurde] (gd)
14.05: A way forward to help the Palestinians (tds)
A political marriage of necessity: a single state of Palestine-Israel (A. Abunimah)
12.05: Die schädlichen Auswirkungen des kriminellen Boykotts (S. Cattori; Anis Online)
11.05: Ein Staat - Lösung oder Utopie (U. Avnery)
Israel's holocaust-in-the-making against the Palestinians (K. Amayreh)
Mandela Was Once a Terrorist (wp)
10.05: Palästina-Diskurs im Wandel. Einige Basisgedanken (A. Hamadeh)
Israeli may join Sarkozy's cabinet - Arno Klarsfeld acquired Israeli citizenship in 2002 and joined the Border Police. He served at checkpoints around Bethlehem. (jpost)
Top Bush Adviser Says ... - ... a lot of what is done during Rice's frequent trips to the region is make sure [the Europeans] feel that the United States is promoting peace in the Middle East. (fwd)
09.05: Sam Bahour: Das "Genfer Abkommen" ist ein Fehler [24.4] (ao)
Highway to hell (ynet)
EU MPs urge restart of direct aid to Palestinians (reuters)
08.05: Gesellschaft im Koma - "Mein Ziel war und ist, die israelische Besatzung zu dokumentieren - mit all ihrer Brutalität und Unmenschlichkeit, mit allem Töten und aller Demütigung und mit der Dämonisierung und Entmenschlichung der Palästinenser. Es ist etwas, worüber die meisten Leser in Israel nichts lesen wollen und was die meisten Verleger nicht verlegen möchten." (G. Levy)
'War is peace' (gdn)
04.05: The One-State solution; Interview with Ali Abunimah (L. Haddad)
One state, not two, is the solution (K. Amayreh)
01.05: Israel's pornographic lies (K. Amayreh)
A simulacrum of internationalization (C. Toensing)
About That Word Apartheid (ameu)
31.05: Norway sends aid to Palestinians (bbc)
30.05: FAQ on the 1967 war (IMEU)
Israel's house of horrors (A. Abunimahyh)
28.05: Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen zwischen Barak und Ajalon (yh)
The Best Runner in the Class (Part 1) (I. Pappe)
The Best Runner in the Class (Part 2) (I. Pappe)
Palestinian NGOs reveal rising rates of so-called 'honour killings'
27.05: Schrei geliebtes Land (II) [24.5] (G. Levy)
26.05: Secret memo shows Israel knew Six Day War was illegal (idp)
23.05: Stand Tall With Baruch Kimmerling (R. Kaminer)
22.05: The Dialectic of Negation (G. Atzmon)
22.05: A kind of military coup - While ministers speak about a two-state solution, a kind of military coup is taking place in the West Bank ... the army has its own agenda, and its subordination to the government is often simulated
21.05: Israel rejects every name on Hamas' list of prisoners to be exchanged for Shalit - "the list ... contained an unprecedented number of prisoners who hold Israeli IDs"
A Year of Decline: The Financial and Institutional Status of The Palestinian Authority
19.05: Vom Checkpoint zur Mauer ins Ghetto. Teil II (fabik)
17.05: And now, a fetus (G. Levy)
16.05: Al-Nakba - The 59-Year Catastrophe (S. Karkar)
15.05: "Mit unserer Realität hat das nichts zu tun" - Palstinenser und die israelisch-arabischen Gespräche (tp)
UK pledges further 3 million to Palestinians through TIM
14.05: Machsom watch: Unlikely ally at West Bank checkpoints (bms)
Opening speeches of Ilan Pappe and Uri Avnery on the debate 'Two States or One State' - Zionism was born out of two logical and justified impulses... When the leaders of the movement decided, that the only territory where these two impulses can be fulfilled is Palestine, where nearly a million people already lived - this movement turned into a colonial project. (maan)
13.05: Memory as a blueprint for the future (G. Bisharat)
11.05: "Wir leben mit der ständigen Angst, verhaftet zu werden" - StudentInnen hinter der Apartheidmauer [6.3.] (stw)
Israel executed 8 Palestinians in Jenin in past 3 months (ei)
The "lynch" atmosphere of recent weeks ... is intolerable. (haa)
Twilight Zone / A day in the life (G. Levy)
10.05: Vom Checkpoint zur Mauer ins Ghetto. Teil I (fabik)
09.05: FAQ on the Nakba (imeu)
What leading Israelis have said about the Nakba (imeu)
Review: Palestinian Revolution Cinema (ei)
08.05: Jerusalem's Arab population rising twice as fast as its Jewish (bb)
06.05: Enough confusion - "The last war was not managed properly. Had it only been managed properly, had we only killed and not been killed, there would have been no demonstration." (G. Levy)
Drei Raketen vom Gazastreifen auf Israel abgefeuert - Israeli schwer verletzt (G. Levy)
05.05: Peretz tritt wegen des Libanon-Berichtes zurück (spiegel)
Zwischen Geburtskirche und Grenzmauer (bz)
02.05: Palestinian researcher says Israel is practicing "slow death" on Palestinian prsioners (maan)
The Lebanon Scapegoat (M. Warschawski)
01.05: Resignation of Avigdor Yitzhaki leaves Israeli government even closer to collapse (maan)
Winograd report may end Olmert's political life (K. Amayreh)
Palestinian workers promised half salaries (reuters)
A cheerless Labor Day in Gaza (ei)
24.05: IMEMC: Nonviolent resistance manages to stop bulldozers in Artas (maan)
21.05: Katar Wohltätigkeitsverein sponsert Medikamente und Ausrüstung für al-Shifa Krankenhaus in Gaza (maan)
11.05: Gaza's fish break the blockade (maan)
08.05: Entwurzelte Bäume - verzweifelte Menschen - gewaltloser Widerstand (wdd)
06.05: Solidarity concert brings together Jewish, Palestinian neighbors (haa)
Pro-Palestinian rally on Holland's Liberation Day draws thousands (haa)
02.05: Demonstration against the Apartheid road system (ism)
Delegation of EU parliamentarians show solidarity with Palestinians under sanctions and occupation (maan)
Governor of Jerusalem is visited by Greek and Norwegian labour unions on May Day (maan)
01.05: Azmi Bishara, My Brother (J. M. Khamis)
31.05: UN security council approves international court for murder of Hariri (maan)
30.05: Ouvertüre oder Variante zum Krieg? (M. Sarkis)
Lebanon and the Planned US Airbase at Kleiaat (F. Lamb)
28.05: Shatila: 'We have no rights and no future' (gdn)
Nahr al-Bared is a ghost town, smelling death (irin)
26.05: Inside Nahr el-Bared (cp)
US sends arms to Lebanese troops as militants vow to fight to death (gdn)
25.05: As'ad Abukhalil on the Nahr al-Bared siege (el)
23.05: At least 10,000 Palestinians from Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon have fled (el)
22.05: Kommentar und Infos zur aktuellen Berichterstattung über die Eskalation im Nordlibanon (Flüchtlingskinder im Libanon e.V.)
Kämpfe im Libanon: Flüchtlingslager Nahr al-Bared weiter unter Beschuss (gdp)
Is the Administration's new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism? - "American, European, and Arab officials I spoke to told me that the Siniora government ... allowed some aid to end up in the hands of emerging Sunni radical groups in northern Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, and around Palestinian refugee camps ... [05.03] (S. Hersh)"
What is happening in Lebanon? (L.K. Irani)
21.05: Number of victims in Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon soars as residents appeal for a ceasefire (maan)
Palestinians face siege after 11 Lebanese soldiers killed (irin)
19.05: Der Libanon-Krieg hat die politische Landschaft in fataler Weise eingeebnet (M. Zuckermann)
A Swiss Cheese - "The [Winograd] report is full of holes, like the proverbial Swiss cheese." (U. Avnery)
17.05: Cluster bombs cause decades of harm, says study (gdn)
06.05: Invisible Palestinians Exist in Legal Limbo in Lebanon (nyt)
The Real Question Isn't Why Olmert Started the War in Haste, But Why He Started It At All (U. Avneri)
Waiting for the next war - "The Winograd Committee's criticism that the government did not examine alternatives to military confrontation shows that this option, in fact, does not exist in our society's lexicon." (haa)
Veranstaltungen anderer
31.05: Nahost: EU als Friedensstifter?; Veranstalter: Deutsche Welle; Gäste: J. Hörster (Vors. d. Parlamentariergruppe Nahost), P. Philipp (DW), J. Bahout (IEP); Moderation: R. Sollich (DW); Deutsche Welle, Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 3, Bonn; 18:00 Uhr
31.05: Wasserknappheit in Nahost; Referent: A. Rieser, Prof. em. für Wasserwirtschaft der Uni Bonn; SPD-Haus; Clemens-August Straße 64; Bonn; 19:30 Uhr; Eintritt frei
23.05: Wie Christen mit Muslimen in Palästina während des israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikts leben Referenten: Rolf Röttgen, Ghada Hasboun aus Bethlehem; Pfarrzentrum St. Andreas, Eichholzer Str. 50, 50389 Wesseling-Keldenich; 19:00 Uhr
16.05: (Keine) Hoffnung für den Nahen Osten? Vortrag und Diskussion mit Dr. Jochen Hippler; Universitätsclub Bonn, Konviktstraße 9, 53113 Bonn; 19:00 Uhr
12.05: Treffen der Deutsch-Palästinensischen Gesellschaft (Regionalgruppe Süd); Referenten; Anette Klasing, Prof. Karlheinz Koppe; Königswinter-Römlinghoven; Malteserhof; Malteserstr. 52; 10:00-16:00 Uhr
11.05: Jenseits von Frieden, Deutsches Engagement im Israel-Palästina-Konflikt; Evangelische Akademie; Bad Boll; 11.-13.Mai
03.05: Vortrag (deutsch) mit Faten Mukarker aus Beit Jala; von Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V.; in Bonn-Duisdorf, Johanniskirche, Bahnhofstr. 63; 19:00 Uhr
31.05: EU parliament head urges Israel to free legislators (reuters)
Hamas movement will not leave government prematurely (maan)
30.05: Israeli politicians promote deploying an Arab multi-national force in Gaza (maan)
29.05: Abbas' ten-point ceasefire plan is possible, Israeli TV suggests; PM Olmert instantly rejects the iniative (maan)
Israelis nehmen Fatah-Abgeordneten fest (yh)
Fatah and Hamas brigades fire projectiles at Sderot (maan)
Israeli army storms Rafah, kills two (imeu)
28.05: Minister Eitan anticipates int'l peacekeepers in Gaza Strip (haa)
Aid flows into PLO account after US shift (ynet)
26.05: Sieben Tote nach israelischen Luftangriffen gegen Hamas (yh)
Israel nimmt Minister Wasfi Qabaha fest (yh)
25.05: Quartet meeting to be held in Berlin next week (maan)
Israeli jets strike close to PM Haniyeh's house in Gaza (maan)
The Bush administration has spent most of its $84 million in aid to Palestinians to train an elite corps of Fatah-loyal fighters (csm)
Israel schwächt die Gemäßigten seiner Gegner (bz)
24.05: USA kritisiert Festnahme von Hamas-Politikern durch Israel (standard)
Abbas verurteilt Festnahme von Hamas-Führern (yh)
Israeli forces arrest Palestinian minister of education, former minister of public works, mayors and PLC members (maan)
Israel to let Presidential Guard train near West Bank city of Jericho (haa)
22.05: Sneh: Haneyya is an assassination target for Israel (haa)
Israel fordert von EU schärferen Palästinenser-Boykott (yh)
Palästinenser schlagen Israel Waffenruhe vor (vao)
21.05: First, we'll shoot a bit, flex a muscle - thousands of residents of Sderot, who again are becoming pawns in the hands of the government of prestige (haa)
Palestinian militants launch rocket attack on Sderot, killing an Israeli woman (maan)
Israel droht Hamas-Führungsspitze mit gezielter Tötung - "Israel werde Chaled Meschaal, bei "erstbester Gelegenheit" töten" (yh)
20.05: 8 dead as IAF strikes Gaza home of Hamas lawmaker - Al-Haya was lightly wounded. Seven of those killed were members of al-Haya's family. (haa)
Palästinenser feuern erneut Kassam-Raketen ab - "Dabei sei ein Haus getroffen worden, verletzt wurde aber niemand." (nzz)
Either Hamas or gov't must be dismantled, says Lieberman (ynet)
19.05: Israel continues to bombard Gaza; 12 killed since Thursday, 4 family-members injured in latest assault (maan)
Elliot Abrams' uncivil war - "Is the Bush administration violating the law in an effort to provoke a Palestinian civil war?" (cff)
18.05: Fatah Troops Enter Gaza With Israeli Assent - Hundreds Were Trained in Egypt Under U.S.-Backed Program to Counter Hamas (wp)
IDF troops, tanks enter Gaza; 6 dead, including 4 Hamas men, in IAF strikes - Among the dead were a senior Hamas official and two brothers, 10 and 12. (haa)
17.05: Mubarak: "Egypt is making great efforts to end the Hamas government and support Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas" (haa)
Peres: If Abbas asks, Israel will act to help him amid Gaza fighting (haa)
16.05: Minister of culture calls for announcement of a state of emergency (maan)
Viele Tote bei Kämpfen zwischen Hamas und Fatah (spg)
15.05: Palestinians say IDF fire killed most casualties in clashes (ynet)
At least 15 people killed in violence between Hamas, Fatah in Gaza - "The Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt was briefly opened to readmit a 450-strong Fatah contingent into the coastal strip ... sources said the crossing was opened, with Israeli consent ... " (haa)
14.05: Hanija nimmt Rücktritt von Innenminister an (yh)
EU erwägt neue Entscheidung zu Palästinenser-Hilfen (reuters)
Gaza factions 'agree new truce' (bbc)
11.05: Erekat urges world to pressure Israel on new settlements (imeu)
10.05: Palestinian security plan to go into effect Thursday (afp)
07.05: National forces unite to form Palestinian army - "the Palestinian national security services protect the Palestinian national project for the Palestinian people" (maan)
06.05: Minister of education speaks out against calls to dissolve the PA (maan)
05.05: USA für Annäherung zwischen Israel und Palästinenser - "Hamas-Chef Meschaal wies diese Vorschläge als "Witz" zurück" (std)
04.05: Israel resists US peace timeline (aj)
Belgian authorities turn back Palestinian minister despite having a valid visa (pi)
Approve and support USSC requests for provision of required armaments, ammunition, and equipment for security forces under the control of and reporting to the PA President in the West Bank and Gaza (haa)
02.05: The real problem with the Arab initiative - Without enforcing international law, it will be foolish to expect change. Pleading has never been an instrument of policy. It encourages opposite results. (H. Nimah)
01.05: Palestinians fear for peace talks (ap)
European MPs meet Palestinian PM despite Hamas ban (reuters)
Ethn. Säuberung
31.05: Tubas, the Jordan Valley, & the Economics of the Occupation - (A. Balzer)
Top Israeli rabbis advocate genocide (A. Abunimah)
Shin Bet, police severly tortured Palestinian suspects (haa)
Auf Leben und Tod - Der gefährliche Alltag der palästinensischen Fischer (jw)
30.05: Another assassination in Ramallah's city center (S. Bahour)
29.05: Settler fires rounds of live ammunition at Arabic houses in the Negev (imemc)
Palestinian prisoner sentenced to 5 months' administrative detention as military court fails to prove charges (maan)
28.05: Saturday's air strike damaged Jabalia office of Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (maan)
Israeli forces invade and sieze the property of a women's centre in Nablus (maan)
25.05: Mazuz versus Herzl - The instruction to allocate the Jewish people's lands to the very nation competing with it for this country's ownership and sovereignty is part of the general moral degeneration to which we have succumbed in recent years. (haa)
24.05: Israeli air forces shoot dead a Palestinian fisherman in northern Gaza Strip; overnight air raids injure four
23.05: Mona El-Farra from Gaza: Gaza today -lawless embargo , sanctions and occupation dreadfull consequences
Amnesty International 2007 report: "Israeli killings of Palestinians increased threefold in 2006" (maan)
'Reporter Sans Frontiers' verurteilt Angriffe auf palästinensische Sendestationen ()
22.05: Israel zerstört Häuser in der Negevwüste (gdp)
21.05: Caged: Highway to hell - "Despite optimistic name, Palestinian-only road a nightmare" (ynet)
Artas: Israeli soldiers fire at journalists in the razed field of Artas village (maan)
20.05: Artas: Palestinian family watches as their ancient trees are demolished by triumphant soldiers (maan)
18.05: Words instead of actions - "And why should Israel take into consideration the warnings of the World Bank when they have no teeth?" (A. Hass)
16.05: Israel verweigert Palästinensern den Zutritt zum Toten Meer (pgd)
Bulldozers in Artas - "'The bulldozers are already waiting in the field in Atras to destroy our precious trees. ... in order to clear the way for a new sewage system for the illegal Israeli settlement of Efrat.'" (kb)
15.05: Red Cross Report Says Israel Disregards Humanitarian Law (nyt)
14.05: Hebron: Zionistische Politik schafft in der Westbank eine Geisterstadt (lz)
40. Jahrestag der Herrschaft über ganz Jerusalem - "Ich glaube, hoffe und bete, dass wir weiter zusammen daran arbeiten, Jerusalem zu stärken, seine Grenzen auszudehnen, seine Fundamente zu pflegen und an seinen Nachbarschaften zu bauen." [E. Olmert] (standard)
Hebron: To steal my land you must first break through us! (ism)
Jerusalem grows ever less Jewish - "For decades, Israel has pushed to build and expand Jewish neighborhoods, while trying to restrict the growth in Arab parts"
Palestinians abandon 1,000 Hebron homes under IDF, settler pressure (haa)
Massive Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Hebron (gd)
11.05: Folter im Ofer-Gefängnis - Informationsminister Mustafa Barghouti richtet Appell an die Internationale Gemeinschaft (imeu)
Army deletes 80% of Palestinian village (imeu)
10.05: Stadtverwaltung plant 20.000 neue Wohnungen in Ost-Jerusalem (yh)
The Death of Samir Dari - In Israel, Not All Blood is the Same (cp)
Army kills unborn baby in Nablus (imeu)
More Palestinians are losing their right to live in Jerusalem than ever before (ecm)
09.05: Weltbank: Westbank in isolierte Enklaven geteilt - "Israelische Restriktionen haben die besetzte Westbank in 10 wirtschaftlich isolierte Enklaven getrennt ... Zu 50% der Gesamtfläche der Westbank erhält die palästinensische Bevölkerung keinen Zutritt." (gdp)
30 structures in unrecognized Bedouin village in Negev demolished (haa)
08.05: Besatzungsarmee zerstört Einrichtung für behinderte Kinder in Ost-Jerusalem (gdp)
09.05: Israeli army demolishes a chicken coop in al-Walaja village near Bethlehem (imemc)
08.05: Folter: Da verlor ich das Bewußtsein (frc)
Israel Lands Administration accused of discriminating against Arabs (haa)
07.05: Bedouin villagers in northern Jordan Valley threatened with eviction and house demolition (maan)
Palestinian worker brutally beaten by two Israeli soldiers - "Al-'Anati lay on the floor in what he described as a critical condition; he said that he was bleeding for two hours, before he was allowed help." (maan)
06.05: Bushra's final exam - Bushra, 17, was killed by a sniper's bullet aimed at the middle of her forehead as she paced her room, grammar book in hand, memorizing the material for the exam the next day. The lights were on in the room, the shooter must have seen the person at whom he was firing (G. Levy)
05.05: B'Tselem Report wirft Geheimdienst Folter an Palästinensern vor (yh)
06.05: Wer ist frei auf der Hallalimkreuzung? (G. Levy)
Security restrictions, drought slam Bedouin shepherds in West Bank (tcj)
05.05: Britain protests to Olmert about illegal settlement in east Jerusalem (idp)
04.05: Demolition at Beit Izja (maan)
02.05: Army killes a Palestinian civilian and kidnaps his brother in northern Gaza strip (maan)
Israeli authority changes the track of the Wall in Jenin and confiscates more Palestinian land (maan)
Twilight Zone - Who is free at the Hallalim crossroad? (G. Levy)
01.05: The unbearable life in Gaza (maan)
Irak -> Somalia -> Iran?
31.05: "Islamic Terrorists" supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration "Black Ops" directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria (M. Chossudovsky)
26.05: Are the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq the Beginning of the End of the American Empire? (J. Petras)
  Frustrated with Bush, the Veep Urges Israel to Attack Iran (G. Leupp)
25.05: Ethiopia reaps U.S. aid by enlisting in war on terror and hiring influential lobbyists [22.5] (cfpi)
The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks (gr)
24.05: "Die Neuausrichtung" von Seymour Hersh [27.02]
17.05: Iraq: The true heart of darkness (P. Escobar)
15.05: The US and the African Union have warned Ethiopia not to withdraw its troops from Somalia (bbc)
14.05: It is not only God that will be Blair's judge over Iraq (A. Shlaim)
11.05: Wrecking Iraq: One Million Dead, 2 Million Wounded, 3 Million Displaced (cp)
10.05: Leave, or we will behead you (atimes)
08.05: Back to 'Saddam without a mustache' (atimes)
04.05: Warships, Warships Everywhere, and Many a Bomb to Drop (znet)
02.05: Some analysts see Iraq war eclipsing toll from Vietnam (tbg)
22.05: Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten e.V.
19.05: Netzwerk Friedenskooperative: Termine zum Konflikt Israel/Palästina/Libanon
18.05: Stop The Wall
17.05: Blog from Gaza: "Raising Yousuf, Unplugged: diary of a Palestinian mother" (L. El-Haddad)
April 2007
Eigene Veranstaltungen
24.04: Monatliche Mitgliederversammlung: Vorbereitung kommender Veranstaltungen. Bonn-Kessenich; 19:00 Uhr
März: Zusätzliche Informationen zu ""Begegnungen hinter Mauern - Perspektiven zivilen Widerstands in Israel/Palästina"" vom 27. März
28.04: Verfassungsschutz registriert Israel-kritische Äußerungen deutscher Bischöfe (fcs)
"Europa muß auch die Hamas anerkennen" - Irische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Mairead Maguire im Interview mit A. Bistrich (taz)
26.04: The Road from Mecca - The idea that negotiations conducted bilaterally between Israelis and Palestinians somehow can produce a final agreement is dead. (nyrb)
25.04: Israel: "Jewish only" or democratic? - "Israel has managed to convince the Western world that it is the only democracy in the region, but neglects to add that this democracy works only for its Jewish citizens." (S. Karkar)
24.04: Single State? - Tariq Ali interviewed by Arab monitor (znet)
23.04: Peace Plan - Minus the Palestinians (B. White)
Fanning Sectarian Fires in the Middle East (aw)
20.04: UN child rights expert criticises Palestinians and Israel (rw)
A state of all its citizens (S. Gordon)
18.04: Double Jeopardy entraps Palestinians (S. Karkar)
The Holocaust as political asset (A. Hass)
16.04: Olive Branch From Hamas - "But officials in Washington seem not to want to hear Hamas calling for peace." (wpost)
Prisoner Exchanges - Blood on Our Hands (U. Avneri)
15.04: Der Palästina-Blues - Zehn Tage im April: Eine Reise nach Ramallah, Jericho und Jenin (M. Rinke)
14.04: Bischof Huber beklagt begrenzte Bewegungsfreiheit und humanitäre Situation der Palästinenser ()
13.04: Tariq Shadid: Nakba-deniers; Eyes Wide Shut (tpc)
Olmert's big dilemma - "In any prisoner swap deal with Israel, the cards are stacked in favour of the Palestinians" (K. Amayreh)
America as proxy - "Whereas Israel has appeared in the past as the US's main proxy in the Middle East, now it apears the relation has reversed" (R. Baroud)
12.04: Religiöse Motive sind bei Anschlägen nachrangig - ... dass die Täter keine Psychopathen sind, sondern im Gegenteil normale Menschen, die bewusst eine Entscheidung treffen (qt)
11.04: Die Neobarbaren (M. Warschawski)
Squeezing Palestinians into Impossible Mission - The Gaza Strip is full of thugs and gangsters.... Soon the Gaza Strip may be declared a dangerous zone, which means that all international organizations would have to leave (N. Nasser)
10.04: Making of a palestinian Pinochet: "No-goodniks and the Palestinian shootout - "Abrams was adamant - the US had to support Fatah with guns, ammunition and training, so that it could fight Hamas"" (atimes)
Tiefe Risse innerhalb der Hamas (lz)
Understanding the Arab initiative (iht)
09.04: It's Time For Israel To Face The Music (dah)
Israel doesn't want peace (G. Levy)
MK Bishara pessimistic about peace - the Palestinian issue has turned into a public relations issue with no goals - the Palestinian Authority should act differently and must stop acting like a beggar (maan)
08.04: A Jewish Plea - How Can Children of the Holocaust Do Such Things? (S. Roy)
06.04: The Colonial Drama of Israel and Palestine (M. Kaminer)
Russia says no reason to continue Palestinian sanctions (yh)
Bearing responsibility for causing the refugee problem (D. Kuttab)
Another side of terrorism in the Middle East (sdut)
04.04: Zionism, Puppet Regimes and Political Allies (J. Petras)
Missing the Point: Colonialism, Not an Intellectual Squabble (R. Baroud)
Interview m. A. Grosser: "Ich muss als Jude nicht für Israel sein"
02.04: Bush, AIPAC and Palestine - The Political Economy of a Disaster (J. Petras)
New Pressure to Relinquish Rights (J. Juma)
01.04: Pussycat (U. Avneri)
30.04: Mustafa Barghouti: "The Palestinian cause has been systematically slandered throughout the media" (maan)
Netanyahu voted most popular Israeli, Olmert voted least popular (maan)
The Separation Wall In East Jerusalem: Economic Consequences (aic)
High-level delegation of European parliamentarians visits the Palestinian territories (maan)
29.04: Bishara fears Mossad assassination attempt, Israel to release international arrest request (maan)
Ghassan Al-Masri: "PA has a choice: reactiviate the PLO, or submit to US-Israeli demands" (maan)
Farewell to our house! (imeu)
28.04: Palestinian prisoners of Israel call for President Abbas to halt his regular meetings with Israeli officials (maan)
Al Aqsa Brigades: "the truce has ended, resistance will target all Israeli cities" (maan)
Five Palestinians killed in northern Gaza Strip; four from Israeli fire (maan)
Gordon Brown pledges support for Israel (maan)
26.04: PCHR Weekly Report: Nine Palestinians, including two children, were killed by IOF in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Beit Hanoun fears Israeli raid (ajz)
EU warns of worsening situation in Palestinian territories (yh)
Looking for alternatives to failure: An answer to Uri Avnery

(I. Pappe)
25.04: Israeli army prepares to invade Gaza within 48 hours (maan)
EU commissioner reaffirms Europe's commitment to the Palestinians (maan)
23.04: Militants bomb Gaza school in anti-Western campaign (gdn)
22.04: Six Israelis wounded in Palestinian rockets attack on Sderot (kuna)
21.04: Warkids - Jugend in Palästina (M. Wiese)
Abolish the JNF (U. Avnery)
A. Hamadeh diagnostiziert Avnerys "The Bed of Sodom" - " The fear that the idea of a boycott will bring Israelis closer to the right is rather amusing ... So what use will a policy of appeasement and laisser-faire be?"
The Bed of Sodom (U. Avnery)
20.04: Rising anti-Semitism in Israel meets state's blind eye (afp)
European Union contributes 66 million € to UNRWA's general fund for 2007 (rw)
19.04: Defining the enemy - Interview with Azmi Bishara (aa)
PCHR Weekly Report: Continued Systematic Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
18.04: Azmi Bishara: Israel's Strategic Threat - The head of the security agency warned Olmert that the radicalization of Israel's Arab citizens constitutes a "strategic threat to the state's existence."... that "the proliferation of the visionary documents published by the different Arab elites in Israel is particularly worrisome, [since] the documents are united by their conception of Israel as a state for all its citizens and not a Jewish state" (tpc)
17.04: On prisoners' day Palestinians describe the suffering of family members in Israeli jails (maan)
16.04: What the persecution of Azmi Bishara means for Palestine - "We have to focus on fighting Israeli racism and colonialism in all its forms against those under occupation, against those inside, and against those in exile" (A. Abunimah)
Azmi Bishara: Agent Provocateur (maan)
Norway to provide over $12m in aid to UN agencies working in Palestinian territories (maan)
15.04: Police investigating Azmi Bishara who left Israel, but "suspicions kept secret" (iht)
Whose government is this? - "The majority of Israeli citizens voted for a centrist ... and received one of the most extreme right-wing governments in the history of Israel." (G. Levy)
14.04: Israeli soldier shot out of military watchtower by Palestinian fighters (maan)
13.04: European Parliament calls for release of abducted BBC journalist (maan)
Ivanov invites Palestinian FM to visit Russia (imemc)
1 in 5 Palestinians imprisoned since 1967 (imeu)
MK Azmi Bishara confirms intent to resign from Knesset (haa)
12.04: Norwegen will wieder direkt an Palästinenserregierung überweisen (yh)
Possible Hamas split worries Israel (jpost)
11.04: Prisoners or criminals? (A. Hass)
Taha MK accuses Israel of targeting all Palestinian leaders inside Israel (maan)
10.04: Study: Israel Responsible for at least 97.8 Percent of Serious Human Rights Abuses in Conflict (amin)
09.04: Deir Yassin Remembered - Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. ... In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered.
Gaza hospital staff to work for free (maan)
Dying for Peace: The Tom Hurndall Story (ism)
Balad MK Bishara set to declare his resignation from Knesset (haa)
08.04: Palestinian stabs two Israeli soldiers in Hebron (K. Amayreh)
Shalom, Shin Bet (U. Avnery)
07.04: PLO Report: 12 Palestinians Killed by the Israeli Army in March
Captured Shalit could be released if Israel agrees to a list of Palestinian prisoners (imemc) (haa)
06.04: Israel and Palestinians clash in Gaza (yh)
jewish "or" democratic: "Arab leaders air public relations campaign against Shin Bet - after Shin Bet declared that it intends to disrupt the activities of any groups that seek to change the Jewish or democratic character of Israel, even if they use democratic means. (haa)
Back to square one - "Palestinian leaders forgot they had yet to build a state" (A. Bishara)
Olmert's theatrics - "Israel's prime minister is engaged in a public relations exercise" (K. Amayreh)
05.04: Settlers reign supreme, wheels of justice turn slowly in Hebron (haa)
PCHR Weekly Report: 4 Palestinians including one child killed, 12 injured
04.04: What separates Israel from its neighbors is not democracy or respect for human and civil rights: it is the discriminatory fashion by which these rights are denied. (M. Peled) (pc)
Illan Pappe to quit Israel for UK - "Pappe said the only solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was the creation of a single state, shared by Jews, Arabs and others." (jpost)
03.04: Happy Birthday, Jenin!: "Israeli invades Jenin and Jenin refugee camp" (imemc)
Jenin 2002: Over 140 buildings, most multifamily dwellings, were completely destroyed (green) in Jenin and more than 200 others (red) were seriously damaged (HRW)
Israel claims thousands of Palestinian fighters are training in Iran, Syria and Yemen(imemc)
02.04: Merkel bored: "She refused to see the separation wall, which causes endless suffering to Palestinians, claiming that she might be reminded of the Berlin wall, which she observed daily when working in East Berlin." (maan)
01.04: Israeli army completes preparations for possible major invasion into the Gaza Strip(imemc)
30.04: Haaretz: Protest in Jaffa against home demolitions (ism)
26.04: Now Doctors Join Boycott Call (tj)
Spain doubles its aid to UNRWA; will contribute over $15m in 2007 (maan)
Norway defends its Palestinian ties to US's Rice (reuters)
25.04: International activists to begin presence in West Bank village in hope of preventing widespread demolition and eviction (maan)
Palestinian landowners hold rally condemning Israeli attempt to bribe them into surrendering their land (maan)
22.04: 130 UK doctors call for boycott of Israeli Medical Association (stw)
20.04: Nobel peace laureate Corrigan injured in anti-fence protest (ynet)
19.04: Second Conference on Popular Resistance in Bilin continiues (imemc)
18.04: Requiem in Ramallah - "The name Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has not been heard so frequently in the West Bank as in the past two weeks, during the Palestinian Mozart Festival" (haaretz)
17.04: As Israeli army erects new checkpoint and raids village, Bil'in prepares for its International Nonviolence Conference (maan)
16.04: Demonstration in Budrus: Hunderte Meter Mauer eingerissen - "Die Jugendlichen aber durchschnitten den Zaun und den Nato-Stacheldraht der Apartheidmauer auf eine Länge von 300m an. Es gelang ihnen, ganze Stücke der Anlage einzureißen." (stopthewall)
Follow the Women Program parade arrives in Bethlehem Monday (imemc)
14.04: NUJ votes to boycott Israeli goods (gdn)
"Es wird nicht meine letzte Verurteilung gewesen sein" - Schuldsprüche gegen 11 AnarchistInnen vor einem israelischen Gericht (gw)
13.04: 300 International Women to Take their 3rd Bicycle Ride to Jericho (wafa)
Israeli Army Shoots 15 Demonstrators with Rubber-Coated Steel Bullets in Bil'in (wafa)
A boycott by any other name ... (haa)
10.04: Children demonstrate outside ICRC office in Hebron calling for the release of child prisoners (maan)
'Lettuce Festival' in Artas, a village south of the city of Bethlehem
07.04: British football team begins West Bank tour (imeu)
04.04: Jews for boycotting Israeli goods (met)
03.04: Shimon Tzabar: On September 22 1967 he published a prominent advertisement in Ha'aretz, signed by him and 11 others: "Our right to defend ourselves from extermination does not give us the right to oppress others." (gdn)
Hundreds of Nablus residents, institutions protest against the siege, checkpoints (imemc)
Boycott: With Jewish intellectuals attacked as anti-Semitic by supporters of Israel, Israeli filmmaker and academic Haim Bresheeth makes the case for a cultural boycott of his home country (aa)
01.04: Residents, activists, ministers and legislators hold nonviolent protest against the Wall in Qalqilia (imemc)
29.04: What lessons? (G. Levy)
27.04: One Unexploded Bomb Per Person (Dahr Jamail)
11.04: LF, PSP militiamen training in Israel - "a group of the Samir Geagea's Lebanese Forces (LF) and MP Walid Jumblatt's Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) are receiving 3-week military training in special camps in Israel" (am)
06.04: Class Struggle Until a Sectarian End (J. Samaha)
Site: War Records-Lebanon
03.04: Israelis want rematch in Lebanon (upi)
Veranstaltungen anderer
16.04: Montag-Club: Brennpunkt Naher Osten; Referent: Rudolf Dreßler, ehem. Botschafter in Israel (2000-2005); Bonn; Erich Ollenhauer Haus; 20:00 Uhr
Referenz: Rede bei der DIG-Hauptversammlung in Baden-Baden am 11. November 2006
Betrogene oder Betrüger?
30.04: IDF chief: Ground offensive only way to halt Qassam rocket fire (haa)
Deputy PM sets three-month expiry date for current government (maan)
A shaky unity government (haa)
28.04: Majority of Palestinians believe new unity government will not succeed in ending the siege (maan)
US Adminis
27.04: EU refuses to lift boycott of Palestinian government (gdn)
26.04: What cease-fire? (A. Hass)
25.04: Palestinians renew truce (reuters)
Israeli minister threatens to kidnap PA premier if IOF soldiers were captured (pi)
Abbas: Hamas truce violations are an exception, won't continue(haa)
24.04: Hamas' military wing fire 80 projectiles into southern Israel (pi)
Hamas Says Truce With Israel Is Over(nyt)
Government to face a "national decision" if embargo not lifted; security plan to go ahead (maan)
23.04: Hamas: Political flexibility does not mean abandoning the Palestinian just cause(pi)
22.04: Fatah accuses Israel of using targeted killing to incite violence (maan)
Hamas urges Palestinians to be ready to confront Israeli forces (maan)
21.04: Jordan's Abdullah tells Israel: "We share same enemies" - The king reiterated the comments a number of times, which those at the meeting said referred to Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. (haa)
Hamas: RoR not for sale (pi)
Haneyya: Security plan to protect resistance (pi)
PM Olmert invites Jordan's King - "The king called on Israel to "adopt the Arab initiative as the basis for negotiations with the Palestinians and not to miss this historic opportunity" (haa)
19.04: Abbas optimistic, believes embargo could be lifted soon (imemc)
PR posturing - "Abbas and Olmert meet again but it appears they have discussed nothing of substance" (K. Amayreh)
18.04: Arab Initiative Committee calls for direct negotiations between Arab countries and Israel (maan)
Imprisoned PFLP leader urges Shalit's captors to stick to their demands (maan)
Olmert dampens expectations over prisoner exchange (maan)
16.04: Palestinians claim Swiss, Chinese 'recognition' (dstar)
Haniyeh: practical steps to implement a prisoners' exchange have begun (maan)
15.04: Palestinian security forces to patrol Philadelphi - prevention of weapons' smuggling was a key topic at a Sunday meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
14.04: Hamas condemns meeting of Abbas and Olmert - that any dealing with the US administration should not be "begging, or considering the American projects which intend to divide us." (maan)
13.04: Abbas, Olmert to discuss withheld tax, prisoners' swap, projectile-launching and arms smuggling (maan)
Abed Rabbo: Israel focusses discussion on formalities, not vital issues (maan)
10.04: Pinochet reloaded: "US Congress approves Abbas funds -US Congress has authorised $60m for Abbas's presidential guard, security at border crossings and equipment - with Israeli agreement and understanding" (bbc)
President Abbas to embark on European tour to garner support for Palestinian unity government(maan)
Die Antwort auf den historischen Vorschlag der arabischen Staaten blieb bisher aus (WOZ)
Israel dämpft Erwartungen an raschen Häftlingstausch mit Hamas (yh)
07.04: Haneyya: Siege on Palestinian people unethical, futile(pi)
Abbas Ready for Negotiations with Israel as Masha'al Commits to Resistance
Abbas tells forces to help stop Gaza rocket fire(ynet)
04.04: Collaboration: Palestinian policemen inadvertently stop a minibus full of Israeli Special Forces in Tulkarem (maan)
Security quartet formed to address issue of arms smuggling into Gaza; Abbas receives 5,500 new weapons (maan)
02.04: M. Dahlan: ""Every time an Israeli official is accused of sex offenses or corruption, the EU pleads with us to help Olmert out because of he is in hot water again," he said. "We have no problem talking, the problem is in Israel."" (haa)
Barghouthi warns: "It is clear that Israel is trying to overcome Palestinian legal rights..." (pif)
01.04: Olmert invites Arab leaders to Israel(ynet)
New Fatah Gaza force training for future clashes with Hamas(haa)
Ethn. Säuberung
30.04: Demolition of Centre for Autistic and Special Need Children(ism)
Israel defends confiscation of Palestinian land(tds)
Employee of Khan Younis municipality attempts suicide in response to financial crisis(maan)
28.04: Israeli settler-attacks-palestinian-girl, Police detain four human rights workers(ism)
"Siedler": Israelische Siedler kehren in bereits geräumte Siedlungen zurück (pnn)
Protesters rally in Jaffa against move to evict local Arab families(haa)
Israeli authorities annex vast area of farmland in Jordan Valley(maan)
26.04: 250 Citizens of Israel are Threatened by their Government to Become Homeless(ism)
Gaza as Israel's testing ground(imeu)
MK Hasson: Prepare for war with Israel's Arabs (ynet)
25.04: The Israeli army to open Jordan valley to West Bankers(maan)
Israeli authorities demolish family home in East Jerusalem(maan)
Three Gazan women and a child injured in a family clash(maan)
22.04: Töten: One child killed by Israeli army gunfire during invasion of village near Ramallah (imemc)
Hauszerstörung: Six homes to be destroyed for Wall under pretext of lack of Israeli-issued permits (pnn)
21.04: Töten: Sechs Palästinenser von israelischen Soldaten erschossen - Ein Mädchen sei dabei von israelischen Kugeln tödlich getroffen worden, hieß es. (ap)
19.04: Checkpoints: The Legend of the Removed Checkpoints (R. Hacohen)
Transfer: Only Free Men Can Negotiate - "In 2006, 46,000 Palestinian applications were submitted to foreign consulates in the OT for visas to leave. By keeping the sanctions in place the international community has in effect become complicit in a process of quiet ethnic cleansing." (pc)
Drohungen: Human rights activist says threatened by IDF (ynet)
UN urges Israel to ease Palestinian child detention policy(afp)
Mordversuch: Palestinian child seriously injured by Israeli settler gunfire near Bethlehem (imemc)
Vertreibung: Homes Rebuilt by Peace Activist Demolished Today (ism)
18.04: The ABCs of Home Demolitions in Israel(znet)
15.04: Mord: Everyone is Ahmed Asasa here - "Ahmed Asasa was buried in the soil of his village. He'd been shot in the neck from afar by an Israeli sniper. Two of his friends, who tried to come to his aid while he was bleeding to death, were also shot and wounded by snipers." (G. Levy)
14.04: Torture of Palestinian children(imeu)
Israelis systematically commit war crimes against Palestinian children(maan)
Oxfam reveals 'grave humanitarian consequences' of boycott of PA(maan)
13.04: Israeli forces erect new checkpoint west of Salfit(maan)
State denies entry to Jewish Iranian immigrant's Muslim wife (haa)
12.04: Israeli forces destroy family home in Nablus during arrest attempt(imemc)
Salem military court treats elected members of government like criminals (imemc)
Two civilians killed in southern Gaza strip(imemc)
11.04: 10 percent of Palestinian children suffer permanent effects of malnutrition(iht)
Israeli government decides to evacuate illegal settlement in Hebron(imemc)
10.04: The torture of Palestinian children(imeu)
Israeli gunboats heavily fire Palestinian fishing boats in northern Gaza(imemc)
09.04: Three Palestinians killed, one injured during family feud in Khan Younis(imemc)
07.04: OF troops kidnap mother of two detainees to force them confess(pi)
Tod d. Embargo: Economic Embargo in Palestine leads to death of 19 year old dialysis patient (ism)
Twilight Zone / It's from Allah, the soldier said(G. Levy)
06.04: UN: 40 more mobile checkpoints in different parts of the West Bank over the period between March 28th and April 3rd(imemc)
IDF troops kill unarmed Palestinian near Jericho(haa)
05.04: Israeli Army Shells Northern Gaza, while Girl Dies of old Wounds(imemc)
04.04: Construction of Israeli settlement under way in Jordan Valley(ism)
Banana production struggling under occupation in world's oldest city(pnn)
UHRWA faces funding crisis(afp)
Israel to close Jerusalem-Jericho road to Palestinians(imeu)
Troops abducted 6000 children since the beginning of the Intifada, 390 currently detained (imemc)
03.04: Israeli Army Injured child - Hani Almodamer, 13 - in Central Gaza(ynet)
Verwüstung: ""25 Gaza municipalities are on the verge of complete paralysis due to inability to provide services to residents in light of the economic embargo."" (pc)
Blood feuds tearing Gaza apart(imemc)
02.04: Abbas sagt 'Danke!': "Abbas wishes Olmert a happy holiday" (ynet)
The Israeli authorities handed out 150 evacuation orders to Palestinian families in As-Salam neighbourhood, northeast Jerusalem(maan)
Eight People Injured, Two Critically, during Clan Clashes in Khan Younis(imemc)
Israeli forces severely beat ambulance driver(pnn)
01.04: Gaza Strip Lives a Series of Internal Attacks(imemc)
Irak -> Somalia -> Iran?
29.04: The Israel factor: Ranking the presidential candidates (haa)
US, Israel prepare for Iran strike in wake of new intelligence information (ynet)
28.04: Inside Africa's Guantanamo - "The only way the US can prop up its client regime in Somalia is through lawlessness and slaughter" (gdn)
27.04: Iran: Four women get jail terms in crackdown on "cyber-feminists" (rsf)
26.04: Clinton: US might have to confront Iran - "... it might be necessary confront Iran militarily, addressing that possibility more directly than any of the other presidential candidates who spoke to the National Jewish Democratic Council" (jpost)
25.04: The last thing the Middle East's main players want is US troops to leave Iraq (gdn)
24.04: Obama tries to reassure Jewish voters (gro)
Somalian PM Hopes to Tempt Oil Majors Back with Oil Law (gro)
22.04: Senior IDF officer confirms Iran training militants in Gaza(haa)
21.04: Both Iraq's car bombers and the White House see the Shia resurgence and Iran as the main enemies (gdn)
18.04: Muqtada and Maliki as united as ever (atimes)
12.04: Iran may be the greatest crisis of modern times (J. Pilger)
Eight killed, including three MPs, in Iraqi parliament bombing (haa)
11.04: The Iran War Theater's "Northern Front": Azerbaijan and the US Sponsored War on Iran (M. Chossudovsky)
10.04: Germany Expands Economic Assistance to Syria (dw)
More than 1,000 killed in attack on Mogadishu, report says (dpa)
Teetering on the Brink of Disaster: The NeoCons' Decision to Bomb Iran (glres)
09.04: What If Iran Had Invaded Mexico? - Putting the Iran Crisis in Context (N. Chomsky)
Praying for the Apocalypse - ""Islam," Frazier says dramatically, "is a satanic religion."" (C. Hedges)
07.04: The true story of free speech in America (R. Fisk)
06.04: Blitzkrieg Against Iran: Bush-Cheney's Twisted Logic (znet)
A Rational Perspective on Our Present Crises: "It is a fundamental error to assume that George W. Bush is somehow original and the genesis of our present crisis" (A. Kolko)
04.04: UN creates a dictator in Somalia while condemning others elsewhere (wdc)
The Secret War Against Iran (abc)
03.04: 400 Die in Mogadishu's Worst Fighting in 15 years (demnow)
A failed American attempt to abduct two senior Iranian security officers on an official visit to northern Iraq ... led to Iranians seizing 15 British sailors and Marines. (P. Cockburn)
01.04: The War on Iran (M. Chossudovsky)
28.04: Al-Haq - Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah. Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
27.04: Boycott, Divestement and Sanctions against Israel
12.04: Medienschau Nahost
09.04: US campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
03.04: The Freedom Theatre
02.04: Institut für Palästinakunde - IPK
Die fünfte Kolonne
10.04: Die Hetze gegen "Islamisierung" und ihre Hintergründe (wsws)
01.04: "Prozess der Kapitulation": Henryk Broder als gesellschaftliches Phänomen (A. Hamadeh)
März 2007
Eigene Veranstaltungen
27.03: Begegnungen hinter Mauern - Perspektiven zivilen Widerstands in Israel/Palästina; Referent: Clemens Ronnefeldt vom int. Versöhnungsbund; Bonn - Haus d. ev. Kirche; 19:00 Uhr
Zusätzliche Informationen zu dem Vortrag ....
15.03: Vortrag m. Bildern: Matrix der Kontrolle - Das System der israelischen Besatzung der Westbank; Referent: Christian Schmidt; Bonn-Kessenich; 19:00 Uhr
31.03: SPIEGEL zu Islam, zu Muslimen und Arabern, zu Rechtsstaat und Israel (A. Hamadeh)
30.03: In den USA wird die Kritik an der Israelpolitik Washingtons lauter - eine gute Nachricht für den Nahen Osten (ft)
Israel rejects peace (K. Amayreh)
The Fantasy of American Diplomacy in the Middle East (T. Karon)
29.03: Deutschland: Wir sind Murat Kurnaz (N. Kermani)
"If Israel rejects the best Arab position, perhaps the Arabs should revert to maximal demands and ask Israel to propose a plan" (A. Bishara)
The west was taken in by the Zionist propaganda for several decades, but what is more natural than a Palestinian returning home? (S. Abu-Sitta)
"soft coup" - For ordinary citizens, life has become a nightmare. Shortages of food, water and electricity have compounded the stresses of unpaid salaries and general lawlessness (tjt)
28.03: Tania Hisch, a 24-year-old medicine student from Germany, will never forget her ordeal at Ben-Gurion International Airport. (ynet)
'Israel's right to exist': Is it a real issue? (ei)
25.03: Unity at last - Having done it for so long, it seems that piracy and bullying and the subjection of the Palestinians to the steel fist of Zionism is easier for Tel Aviv to sustain than give up. (K. Amayreh)
24.03: United Nations complicity in war crimes - "Interview with former UN assistant secretary-general Hans-Christof von Sponeck" (S. Cattori)
23.03: "Olmert: as expected" - the game of axis politics is not in interest of the arab states (A. Bishara)
Fisk on ME: Fingerprints of history (aa)
Israeli Soldiers Stand Firm, but Duty Wears on the Soul(S. Erlanger)
21.03: Jerusalem and Washington bring Palestinians to the brink of starvation (J. Shaoul)
U.S.: With Iranian help, Hamas forces growing faster than Fatah(haa)
Nakba: The Israeli Holocaust Denial, about 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine', Illan Pappe (K. Petersen)
20.03: Articulating a Just Peace: Whose Responsibility? (R. Baroud)
AIPAC's Pact With the Christian Zionist Devil (rs)
18.03: THE MALAISE - An Editorial Overview (toi)
The model! - "NATO Supreme U.S. commander in Europe calls Israel 'model state'" (haa)
hypocrisy@NYT: "Israel has a special understanding of the genocide in Darfur. We have a very real compassion for the refugees, and no one is being turned back." (nyt)
17.03: While the IDF is Destroying Schools and Shooting Children ... - "What Hilllary Clinton Should Know About Palestinian School Books" (cp)
Those Israel-Syria Peace Talks (cp)
Mounting Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq - "In the Name of Improving People's Lives"
15.03: Taming Leviathan - "These are both the best of times and the worst of times for the American-Jewish lobby" (ecm)
Israel's right to be racist (J. Massad)
Time for a bi-national state (monde diplo)
The Lost Five Years of the Peace Process (A. Eldar)
13.03: Good news for security-experts: "Our invasion and occupation ... allowed the jihad to move 1,000 kilometers west, where it can project its power ... into Turkey -- and from Turkey into Europe" (rst)
11.03: Why does The Times recognize Israel's 'right to exist'? (S. Makdisi)
Olmerts Wahrheit (Uri Avnery)
UN committee: Israel should let Palestinians return to their land (haa)
10.03: New York Times promotes 'escape' to Israel(wsws)
09.03: War, Neoliberalism and Empire in the 21st Century (cp)
A predator becomes more dangerous when wounded (N. Chomsky)
08.03: Libanonüberfall drei Monate vorher geplant: Olmert has told ... that his decision to respond to the abduction of soldiers with a broad military operation was made as early as March 2006, four months before last summer's Lebanon war (haa)
German Bishops See Racist Israel First Hand (G. Fraser)
06.03: Kritik aus Israel an Bischöfen hält an - Evelyn Hecht-Galinski: Es sei deren "Pflicht" gewesen, die Zustände in Ramallah anzuprangern. Sie nannte es "empörend", den Bischöfen Antisemitismus vorzuwerfen."
Divide and Annex: Intentional and systematic separation (G. Khatib)
05.03: France calls for closer EU-Palestinian ties (ft)
03.03: Die neue US-Strategie führt zu einem Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten (P. Symonds)
Call to ease Palestinian boycott by International Crisis Group (D. Macintyre)
02.03: We also target civilians (ynet)
Die Debatte um das Existenzrecht Israels ist der sicherste Weg, damit alles beim Alten bleibt (U. Avnery)
01.03: Does the Israeli Tail Wag the American Dog? (K.&B. Christison)
Upside-down should set things right (G. Khatib)
31.03: Hebron: Soldaten schreien still (taz)
30.03: The New War - Israel's Last Chance (G. Kolko)
Israel Might Launch an Offensive on Gaza, Israeli Army Chief Says (imemc)
IDF widows' organization blacklisted minority members (haa)
29.03: PCHR Weekly Report: Continue to Commit War Crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
Land Day - This day commemorates the killing of six Palestinians in the Galilee region of northern Israel on March 30, 1976 by Israeli troops during peaceful protests over the confiscation of Palestinian land. (maan)
28.03: An inquiry concluded that the soldiers mistook the 14-year-old girl, Doaa Abd al-Qad, for a terrorist (haa)
25.03: Ohne Grenzen" (U. Avneri)
24.03: Ban Ki Moon will nicht palästinensischen Premier treffen (standard)
Abbas ...announcing that he will not stand in next elections (maan)
23.03: Merkel erhält Ehrendoktorwürde von Universität in Jerusalem(jp)
Israels right to return - "Israel is gearing up for a diplomatic campaign that will paint the Arab world as the recalcitrant party if it does not drop ... the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees" (jp)
22.03: Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas von 1948 (I. Pappe, E. Rohlfs)
PCHR Weekly Report: 2 Palestinian, including a child, killed - 13 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children were wounded by IOF.
ARIJ criticizes Peace Now report (pt)
Using children as human shields (G. Levy)
UNRWA erhält Unterstützung von Japan- "Seit 1953 hat Japan 397 Millionen Euro an die UNRWA überwiesen." (gdp)
20.03: Assad confirms secret Syrian-Israel talks in recent years (haa)
Ya'alons culture? "Conflict with Iran inevitable" - "He said that Iran had declared war on the West and its culture." (ynet)
18.03: Tanya Reinhart, a powerful voice has been lost (ism)
17.03: Huda Ghalia - 'I try to forget - but i can't' (gdn)
16.03: PCHR Weekly Report: A Palestinian boy was killed by IOF; Israeli police beat a Palestinian to death in occupied East Jerusalem.
Former Egyptian prisoner of war says he saw Ben-Eliezer killing two Egyptian soldiers (imemc)
15.03: Twilight Zone / After her! The IDF is using children as human shields. (G. Levy)
14.03: Ramzy Baroud: Palestinians Must Redefine Struggle (pc)
12.03: Freunde: Israel droht Europäern mit "Abbruch von moderaten Gesprächen" (sto)
11.03: Democratically Apart: "We are a Democracy!" (pso)
Israeli army abducts 6 Palestinian civilians in Hebron(imemc)
I. Pappe leaves Israel: "Zionism is far more dangerous to the safety of the Middle East than Islam. My research debunked all of the lessons about Israel's creation that I had been raised on," Pappe says. (ei)
Benny Morris "Finds Himself Ideologically Back Where It All Began" - ""Perhaps in the end population exchanges and transfers, ... may in the long run have been better for everyone concerned."" (wp)
09.03: Report: Palestinian child prisoners in 2006 (ei)
PCHR Weekly Report: 22 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children and a woman, were wounded by IOF
Egypt warns it would arrest Ben Eliezer if he enters country (imemc)
08.03: B'Tselem: IDF used Palestinian girl as human shield in Nablus (reuters)
06.03: B'Tselem Report: Crossing the Line - " While the Israeli authorities condemn the acts of abuse that are reported in the media, claiming they are lamentable exceptions, the report shows that these cases are ... the tip of the iceberg" (aic)
05.03: Peace - "Report: 13 Palestinians killed, 188 injured by Israeli army fire during February 2007" (imemc)
Burning my book "Speak Bird, Speak Again" is like burning my son - "Ashraf Kana'nah, commented on the decision of the Palestinian ministry of education to burn copies of the book"
04.03: 1967: Israeli TV Channel ... revealed that an elite unit ... , commanded by Labor member of Knesset, Benjamin Ben Eliezer, executed 250 unarmed Egyptian soldiers after they surrendered - Ben Eliezer claimed that they "were Palestinian fighters and not Egyptian soldiers" (imemc)
Army still using civilians as human shields(imemc)
02.03: PCHR Weekly report; IOF Escalates Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
U.S., Israeli officials meet on renewing foreign aid package (haa)
01.03: European Union pledges $349 million to UNRWA (imeu)
Tubas: IDF invades Palestinian refugee camp; four civilians injured, two abducted (imemc)
30.03: Um Salamuna village protest the construction of the wall (imemc)
29.03: Palestinians set up outpost near Bilin (ynet)
Risks and rewards in Ramallah - "Sam Bahour has a warm manner and ..." (ft)
23.03: Israels Rechtssystem ist Teil der Besatzungspolitik (Machsom-Watch)
Conference in B'ilin - "there is no peace with checkpoints or settlements" (pnn)
21.03: Existence is Resistance (ei)
Anti-Wall Demo on Mother's Day near Bethlehem (imemc)
19.03: Jewish grandmothers patrol West Bank checkpoints (reuters)
10.03: Rachel Corrie: The Voice Of A Martyr (ccom)
Bilin: Israeli army steps-up measures to crush defiance (imemc)
Martin Luther King am Checkpoint (gwr)
Left-wing activists rebuild demolished Palestinian homes (ynet)
09.03: Olive Tree Campaign (Rabbis for Human Rights)
The Weekly Non Violent protest in Bil'in; Israeli activists injured (imemc)
07.03: Israeli and Palestinian women campaign together for peace (imeu)
03.03: U.S. group arranges medical care for Palestinian children (imeu)
02.03: 19 injured at Bil'in anti-wall protest (imeu)
01.03: Palestinians mount nonviolent resistance campaign as Israeli forces escalate land confiscation (pnn)
Nächster Halt, Iran?
31.03: US sends new warship to replace Eisenhower(tpi)
Civilian deaths mount in Mogadishu(aj)
29.03: No agreed maritime boundary between Iraq and Iran (gr)
Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border (nvo)
27.03: Deutliche Zeichen - Der kommende Krieg gegen den Iran (frc)
24.03: Knight of the Living Dead(S. Zizek)
Scott Ritter: Calling Out Idiot America (td)
22.03: Today, terrorism suspects subjected to this medieval torture admit the wildest things too. Just ask 9/11 plotter, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century (dr)
Heavy Fighting in Mogadishu Leads to Mutilation of Troops(wp)
Stop in Pakistan? - "Musharraf at the Exit" (A. Rashid)
21.03: Our Mad Mad Mad Mad Vice President Speaks (K. Kwiatkowski)
20.03: Iraq: A country drenched in blood (P. Cockburn) (ind)
17.03: If elected, Hillary Clinton vows to keep US troops in Iraq (wsws)
15.03: Proof of US orchestration of Death Squads Killings in Iraq (gr)
14.03: Pelosi's Betrayal - "To begin with, the president has been given the green light to attack Iran." (aw)
13.03: Iraqi leader says Washington may oust him if oil law not passed by June 30(cnd)
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi is back in the country(gdn)
Foreign? - "Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Monday warned the U.S. not to show weakness in Iraq" (haa)
Maliki - The fall guy in Iraq (P. Escobar)
12.03: The last thing we need(gdn)
11.03: Open Letter to General Petraeus (J. Petras)
Demokratie-Export: Egypt in the dock over tactics of police torturers (gdn)
09.03: Global Realignment and the Decline of the Superpower - "The United States is in a state of irreversible decline; its foundational principles have been abandoned and its center of political power is a moral swamp. The Bush presidency represents the ethical low point. ... The "new world order" promises despotism not democracy." (M. Whitney)
06.03: Israeli Says Iran Is Training Hamas(nyt)
Menschenrechts-Konjuktur: "33 Activist Women Arrested in Tehran - "Group Was Protesting Trial of 5 Others" (wp)
We have not been liberated - "Women's basic rights are being rapidly eroded in Iraq..."
03.03: 'Surge' needs up to 7,000 more troops(ut)
The Talented Mr. Cohen(ni)
02.03: The End of Brinksmanship? (R. Khouri)
Demokraten schließen Finanzierungsstopp für Irakkrieg aus (wsws)
Veranstaltungen anderer
17.03: Kundgebung: Gestern Vietnam. Heute Irak. Morgen Iran?; Bonn Münsterplatz; Sa. 11:00 Uhr
14.03: Frauen im Libanon: Alltag zwischen Krieg und Aufbruch; Referent: Azza el Horr Mroue aus Beirut; Moderation: Karin Leukefeld; in Bonn; 19:00 Uhr
Betrogene oder Betrüger?
31.03: Olmert says peace deal possible within five years (gdn)
EU backs Arab Initiative, but won't deal with Hamas ministers(imemc)
30.03: EU welcomes the Arab renewal of Peace Initiative(imemc)
War created revolutionary change in region, Olmert says(ynet)
No arab alija: 'Olmert: "Right of Return, out of the question"' (imemc)
Terrorist: 'Olmert in an interview with Time magazine: "Haniyya is a terrorist"' (imemc)
Der Ball liegt jetzt auf Israels Seite (nzz)
29.03: No partner for peace: 'Peres: "No withdrawal from Jerusalem, no withdrawal to the 1967 borders' (imemc)
Now is the time to call the bluff of the land of missed opportunities (J. Freedland)
Traum: "Haniyya: "European countries confirmed that they want the siege ended" (imemc)
28.03: Jailed PFLP leader demands Arab Summit to affirm the refugees' right to return(imemc)
Palestinian Prime Minister Optimistic about the Arab Summit(imemc)
Forever current: 'Livni: "Agreement on permanent solution is not possible in current situation"' (imemc)
25.03: Hammad calls to resume security coordination with Israel (pi)
Sweden joins other European nations in show of support for Palestinian coalition (ap)
Rice and Abbas express support for Saudi plan (maan)
PFLP - "American diplomacy an attempt to mislead and deceive." (maan)
24.03: United States Dissatisfied with Renewed Norway-PA Ties (imemc)
HAMAS semantic changes: Wars of words (haa)
Relationship between Hamas and US set to improve as US official plans secret talks with Haniyeh(maan)
23.03: Belgium reaches out to Palestinian gov't (yh)
Wieczorek-Zeul verlangt Gewaltverzicht von ... (yh)
Even the mild language of the Arab peace initiative must be replaced by Israels demands(R. Baroud)
Israel to talk to Saudi Arabia?(ynet)
22.03: Palestinians reject Quartet demands(aj)
Olmert zu "schmerzhaften Zugeständnissen" bereit (standard)
Politiker mehrerer Fraktionen fordern Ende des finanziellen Boykotts und Gesprächsaufnahme (gd)
Fraktion Bündnis90/Die Grünen plädiert für Wiederaufnahme diplomatischer Kontakte und Ende des Finanzboykotts (gd)
21.03: EU, UN officials meet Palestinian minister (meo)
Israel to snub foreign envoys who meet Hamas ministers(haa)
Berlin baut Beziehungen zu neuer Palästinenser-Regierung auf (AFP)
SPD für Ende des Boykotts - "Auf Einladung der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion kommt am 26. März eine hochrangige Fatah-Delegation nach Berlin." (wd)
20.03: Neuer palästinensischer Außenminister nach Österreich eingeladen (std)
19.03: Is Abbas Sabotaging the Palestinians? (time)
Abwegig? - "Norway is First to Resume Ties with PA as Unity Cabinet Inaugurated" (imemc)
18.03: Israel lehnt Anerkennung von Palästinenserregierung ab(standard)
Shocking: "U.S. 'disturbed' by 'right to resist' clause in PA unity gov't platform" (haa)
17.03: 'Europa' spurt - "Europäische Union hält an Finanzboykott fest" (ntz)
'Europa' entgleist? - "Europa bewegt sich offenbar auf Einheitsregierung in Ramallah zu" (AP)
Lieberman: EU will Israel 'opfern'(standard)
16.03: If Israel wants peace it must recognize unity gov't(ynet)
notTheWest@Guardian - "Israel risks isolation as Hamas-Fatah coalition takes office" (gdn)
theWest@NYT - "Hamas-Fatah Coalition Misses West's Goals" (S. Erlanger)
15.03: Ziel erfasst: The only alternative is civil war (D. Rubenstein)
Israel will not recognise new Palestinian cabinet(AFP)
14.03: Barghouthi suggested that the Palestinian arena is 'ready to have a new faction'(maan)
13.03: PM's advisor assures that the new government will comply 'partially' to the Quartet's demands(maan)
United in? - "Most obstacles overcome, unity government nears in Palestine" (imemc)
Autoaggression: Hamas fighter killed, nine injured in internal clashes in Gaza (imemc)
12.03: Friedenszirkus: Secret talks under way with Israel: Palestinian sources (AFP)
11.03: No peace talks if P.A government refuses to recognize Israel(imemc)
10.03: Hunderte getötete Palästinenser später - "Shalit may be released within days, Abbas says" (ynet)
PM to caution Abbas on cabinet appointments(haa)
Barghouthi calls on PFLP to participate in unity government (imemc)
09.03: Palestinian PM urges EU to lift embargo(afp)
France urges EU leaders to endorse Mecca deal(ynet)
Treffen Olmert-Abbas am Sonntag- "Israel will Palästinensern vorerst keine zurückgehaltenen Steuereinnahmen mehr überweisen"" (standard)
08.03: The Mecca Charity Show (R. Efrat)
United in? - "Abbas: Unity government next week" (aj)
07.03: Israeli troops stormed Palestinian military intelligence headquarters in Ramallah on Wednesday, seizing more than 50 men(yh)
Spielverderber: Syria rejects making changes to Saudi peace initiative (haa)
06.03: Israel responds cautiously to PA offer of truce for end to boycott (haa)
Fateh gunman injured in infighting with Hamas gunmen(imemc)
Abbas, Olmert to meet next week(imemc)
04.03: Abbas, Hamas forces expanding despite unity deal (haa)
03.03: United in? "Unity Government to be declared on Sunday" (imemc)
02.03: Israel hardens its peace terms ahead of Saudi Arab summit (idp)
Israel pushing to improve Saudi peace initiative (haa)
Israel's liaison to its neighbors: Saudi Prince Bandar (haa)
01.03: Hamas assimilated into the political system (maan)
EU urges discussion of final status issues (reuters)
Olmert and Abbas plan to meet in two weeks (imemc)
Hamas lawmakers to remain in Israeli custody
Livni: Israel cannot accept Arab peace initiative in current form
Ethn. Säuberung
31.03: Bürgerkrieg: One Palestinian Resident Killed in Gaza (imemc)
Eviction of the Bedouin from the Negev in Israel(aic)
30.03: Judaization: Jewish settlers make inroads in Jerusalem's Muslim quarter (dtn)
Terror: Father and son used as human shields in Nablus (pnn)
29.03: Jaffa's Ugly Truth- ".. a combination of ethnic cleansing or transfer and gentrification.." (A. Neslen)
Ahmad Al Assassah, 16, was hit with a live round in the head and died instantly. (imemc)
28.03: Eight injured in Gaza clashes, Fateh and Hamas trade accusations(imemc)
Injustice: Palestinians decry Israeli court system (wtim)
23.03: Child killed, dozens of residents injured in Hamas-Fateh clashes(imemc)
22.03: Twilight Zone / Dress code - "What won't the Shin Bet security service do to break the spirit of a Palestinian detainee?" (G. Levy)
Palestinian civilian killed in renewed clashes in the Gaza strip(imemc)
Border Guard policemen filmed beating Palestinian youth(ynet)
Palestinian civilian killed in renewed clashes in the Gaza strip(imemc)
Army bulldozers destroy farm lands near Hebron to expand settlement(imemc)
Stillschweigende Ausweisung von Palästinensern mit ausländischen Pässen aus den besetzten Gebieten(nf)
21.03: Wg. "Brandbombe": Israelische Soldaten erschießen Palästinenser im Westjordanland (yh)
Killed: One Palestinian killed, as army invades Nablus (imemc)
Knesset extends law banning Israeli-Palestinian family unification(haa)
20.03: "Jews only" - "IDF illegally blocking Palestinians from Route 60" (haa)
Israeli army levels two Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem(imemc)
Israeli army levels a Palestinian home in Halhul village, clashes erupt(imemc)
19.03: Siedlerterror: 200 Israeli Settlers Seize a Palestinian House in Hebron (imemc)
18.03: One Palestinian Girl Killed, Two Women Wounded during Clashes in Rafah(imemc)
16.03: Satire: Israel army to investigate "human shield" charges (reuters)
IDF troops conduct takeover drills in Palestinian village(haa)
15.03: Agreement on Movement and Access has been ignored by Israel(wtr)
Erniedrigung: Humiliation and Child Abuse at Israeli Checkpoints (A. Weir)
14.03: West Bank Sites on Private Land, Data Shows(nyt)
13.03: Ethn. Säuberung: "Ibrahim Attallah is sitting in the nearly destroyed village of Khallet Sakariya. The Israeli bulldozers and settlers are waiting for destruction to finish what they started: to erase another Palestinian village." (pnn)
Settlers seek to rebuild evacuated W. Bank settlement(haa)
Egypt puts Gaza tunnels out of commission(aus)
Life on Shuhada Street: reaching home by climbing rooftops, nonviolent demonstration called(pnn)
11.03: Getting Nablus soap to market(aj)
IDF fire wounds two fishermen near Rafah shore(G. Levy)
09.03: Twilight Zone / Only twelve years old(G. Levy)
Yesh Din Reveals IDF Reserve Brigade turned Palestinian villages to training facility(imemc)
08.03: Israel imposes restrictions on foreigners entering Palestine(imemc)
Vertreibung in Israel - 2007: The Israeli Ministry of the Interior sent a large contingent of police and four bulldozers to destroy a village in the Negev Desert yesterday. Twenty-five buildings, including houses and stables, were demolished, leaving Taweel village's 500 people wondering what to do next. (pnn)
Hebron settlers filmed throwing rocks at Palestinians(ynet)
07.03: Northeastern Jerusalem villages accessible only via maze of bad roads, settlers and soldiers(pnn)
With bulldozers and soldiers at the door, Jerusalem home owner buys time(pnn)
Israeli Army abducts 13 Palestinian school children near Hebron(imemc)
Israeli army attacks two kindergarten schools near Bethlehem(imemc)
Palestinians see growing food shortages(csm)
05.03: Villagers barred from their land in Tulkarem area(imemc)
04.03: Israeli army prevents Palestinian patients from crossing (imemc)
Genozid auf Raten durch Unternährung und Krankheit: Aid sanctions threaten West Bank health (yh)
East Jerusalem residents face 'Kafkaesque bureaucracy' (haa)
International aid agency: 80 percent of Gazans now rely on food aid (haa)
Palestinian village torn from Jerusalem neighbours (reuters)
03.03: IDF operation in Nablus ... success, as only several civilians were hurt. ... next time picture could be different due to terrorists' high motivation (ynet)
02.03: Haniyeh declares Nablus an "afflicted city" suffering losses of $750m (maan)
01.03: Negev desert nomads on the move again to make way for Israel's barrier (gdn)
How to Live with Hunger (R. HaCohen)
23.03: Restraint eroded IDF deterrence(haa)
Will Hezbollah Hand Israel Its 6th Defeat? (cp)
22.03: 'Damn proud' - Bolton admits Lebanon truce block (bbc)
19.03: " ...even Olmert can sometimes tell the truth." (U. Avnery)
18.03: Ex-Grande Nation? - "French President Jacques Chirac told Israel at the start of the war in Lebanon that France would support an Israeli assault on Syria" (jpost)
Winning hearts, minds, bodies - In Lebanon, U.N. troops teaching yoga, computer skills(sfgate)
13.03: The Real Goal of Israel's War on Lebanon (J. Cook)
01.03: Kriegspropaganda: Western intelligence sources worried by jihadist upsurge in Lebanon (haa)
Lebanon and the Middle East Crisis - Interview with Gilbert Achcar (znet)
21.03: if Americans knew
18.03: The Other Israel
International Solidarity Movement
07.03: A Photography Exhibition Of Occupied Palestine by James Prineas
Februar 2007
Eigene Veranstaltungen
27.02: Monatliche Mitgliederversammlung: Vorbereitung kommender Veranstaltungen. Evtl. Preview eines Palästina-Films; Bonn-Kessenich; 19:00 Uhr
27.02: Official politics in the west ignores public opinion at will - "... increasing gap in Europe between rulers and ruled" (T. Ali)
A Shared Vision between Rice and Peretz: Total Darkness (asa)
24.02: The Cultural Connection - Zionism and the United States (cp)
Look West for the Middle East's violence (R. Khouri)
22.02: Ramzy Baroud: The Final Punch (tpc)
Der Friedensplan für den Nahen Osten wurde zum Unterwerfungsprojekt umgestaltet - das 'Quartett' könnte sich also auflösen (jw)
19.02: Understanding Empire: Hierarchy, Networks and Clients (J. Petras)
18.02: Rice's road map is full of holes - "Even if Rice declares that she is committed to the road map, ...(but) to which part of it she is committed?" (haa)
17.02: The Palestinian Accords - Facing Mecca (U. Avnery)
Washington setzt auf Bürgerkrieg: Die geplante palästinensische Einheitsregierung entspricht nicht der westlichen Strategie (jw)
15.02: In place of appeasement (A. Bishara)
13.02: Wie Hass gelehrt wird (M. Odetalla)
12.02: The World Partakes Of the Palestinian Arabs (Y. Ibrahim)
13.02: Our unity can now pave the way for peace and justice (Khalid Mish'al)
12.02: Kurze Chronik einer Kette von Brandstiftungen in Israel/Palästina und den Nachbarländern (R. Moskovitz)
11.02: In der Mekka-Falle - "Die Gewichte in den palästinensischen Gebieten haben sich zuungunsten des Westens verschoben. " (FAZ)
10.02: Russia calls for lifting PA embargo
09.02: Solana: Werden palästinensische Einigung mit Vorsicht prüfen (standard)
France urges world to back Palestinian accord
07.02: Carter enters lions' den - "As a result ..., the pro-Israel lobby poured money into my opponent's campaign" (P. Findley)
Olmert's shelter (A. Eldar)
06.02: Bitte keine weiteren Plattheiten, Frau Merkel! (tagesschau)
How Jimmy Became a Holocaust Denier (T. Karon)
05.02: The US and Israel - The Real Failed States - "A state that cannot exist without outside support is a failed state. ... The main failed states in the Middle East are those that are US puppets. They represent American hegemony, not the interests of their people." (C. Roberts)
Silencing critics not way to Middle East peace (J. Beinin)
Syria refuses to help refugees driven from Iraq
04.02: Börne-Preis an Henryk M. Broder - Beleidigung des Humanismus (A. Grosser)
03.02: Warum ich Israel kritisiere - "Ich bin als Judenkind in der Frankfurter Schule verachtet und sogar geschlagen worden. Ich kann nicht verstehen, dass Juden andere verachten." (A. Grosser)
02.02: What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians - "implies acceptance that they deserve to be treated as subhumans"
Wehe solcher Schadenfreude (A. Avnery)
Israel's Kafkaesque "Matrix of Control"
01.02: Bigots and history - "Neo-cons, orientalists and Zionists gathered recently in Israel to confirm their fantasies about history, people and politics." (A. Bishara)
28.02: Bedouin girl critically hurt when shot, apparently by IDF soldiers (haa)
Jenin: Israeli troops shot dead two Palestinian fighters and one civilian (alj)
27.02: The other Israelis - "... redefining the nature of the Jewish state" (bogl)
Attack on Nablus a Provocative Action - "Olmert and Peretz, together with Avigdor Liberman no partners for peace" (Gush Shalom)
26.02: Tourism minister who carries firearm, holds racist views fitting for current-day Israel
25.02: She cannot leave the Israeli hospital .. because she has nowhere to go within reach of the medical care she needs. Her 29-year-old father cannot leave without risking automatic deportation to Gaza (times)
When will Israel meet its 'international obligations'? - Planning council approves illegal West Bank building plan (haa)
24.02: Resistance factions shell settlements near the Gaza Strip
23.02: France pledges to cooperate with Palestinian coalition gov't (haa)
22.02: Ze'ev Schiff: And the fact .. is that Rajoub, ... did work hard to prevent the second Intifada. (haa)
23.02: Apartheid looks like this - "Jonathan Cook joins Machsom Watch" (aar)
21.02: Reinforcing the Occupation: Israel's High Court (ei)
23.02: PCHR Weekly report; Palestinian killed, 2 died at checkpoints, 12 injured, 46 taken prisoner
22.02: UN Commissioned Report: Israel Occupation Resembles Apartheid (haa)
20.02: The summit - a slap in the face to the Palestinians (haa)
Israel Threatens to Ignore Abbas (ap)
19.02: Evacuation pampering - "Thirty intellectuals from the left ... concern(ed) for the population that for years did everything it could to undermine the law, morality and democracy in Israel. ... a disgrace " (G. Levy)
17.02: Amnesty International Calls on Palestinian Leaders to Ensure Protection for Civilians (imemc)
15.02: Palestinian legislator accuses Israel of testing dangerous drugs on Palestinian inmates (maan)
machsomwatch report: Huwarra checkpoint, 11.02.07
Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (PCHR)
Catalogue of provocations - "Israel's encroachments upon the Al-Aqsa Mosque have not been sporadic, but, rather, a systematic endeavour" (K. Amayreh)
14.02: Putin tries to breathe life into peace process
13.02: Arrogance and Desecration -The Politics of Archaeology in Jerusalem
11.02: Tair's Palestinian peers - "A child a week, almost every week ... killing of ... children and teenagers, shot dead by Israel Defense Forces soldiers"
The death fence of Atarot (G. Levy)
Israel Goes on with Excavations under Muslim holy site despite Condemnations
10.02: We are being suffocated - "The outside world has to grasp that Palestinian infighting is the product of an intolerable blockade" (guardian)
09.02: Where the Boundaries Between Legal and Illegal are Hidden - "Every village had its government collaborators, large and small. ... Hillel Cohen describes life under the steamroller in his new book Good Arabs" (Y. Laor)
Thousands protest in Nazareth against excavations near Al Aqsa Mosque
08.02: Noted Arab Citizens Call on Israel to Shed Jewish Identity - Jewish critics argue that the Future Vision report negates Israel's legitimacy and raison d'etre as the realization of Jewish self-determination (NYT)
Twelve residents injured in clashes in Hebron
04.02: IOF escalates war crimes in West Bank, killing 6 Palestinians in 2 days
03.02: Abbas aide: We expected the Quartet to end boycott of Hamas
02.02: Army kills two PA security officers near Ramallah - Israeli army sources stated that the attack was a "misunderstanding"
Israeli forces kill a resistance fighter and injure seven other civilians in Tulkarem
01.02: Israeli army kills a Palestinian boy near Qalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem
Two Palestinians killed as Israeli Army invades Nablus
13 Palestinians killed in by Israeli military fire in January
Erst Irak, dann Iran?
27.02: U.S. military leaders have waged an extraordinary behind-the-scenes resistance against war (R. Parry)
US's Iraq oil grab is a done deal (P. Escobar)
THE REDIRECTION - the Administration's new policy benefits our enemies in the war on terrorism (S. Hersh)
25.02: US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran (telegraph)
Israels arab allies: 3 Gulf states agree to IAF overflights en route to Iran (haa)
24.02: Fear mongering: New York: Targeted By Tehran? (nweek)
AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran - ""An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence"" (G. Leupp)
The United States demanded that Israel desist from .. contacts with Syria (haa)
Foreign devils in the Iranian mountains (atimes)
The true extent of Britain's failure in Basra (P. Cockburn)
22.02: US Attack on Iran: An Accident Waiting to Happen (L. Heard)
21.02: New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies (demnow)
17.02: The Neocon Dog That Isn't Barking (J. Lobe)
Washington assumes that leaving Iraq will lead to a bigger bloodbath. It’s time to question that ... (R. Dreyfuss)
Europe and the Weakened Superpower - Iran, the Proxy War? (cp)
Iran - Ready to attack (nsm)
16.02: The Bush administration prepares for war against Iran - Part I (wsws)
14.02: Is the Military the Last Hope? - Cracks in the Pentagon (C. Roberts)
13.02: Komplott gegen Teheran - "US-Präsident Bush sucht Ausweg aus Irak-Desaster ... intensiviert propagandistische Vorbereitungen für Krieg gegen Iran" (R. Rupp)
11.02: Target Tehran: Washington sets stage for a new confrontation (P. Cockburn)
Kriegs-Propaganda: U.S.: Top Iran officials ordering bombs to Iraq
10.02: Pentagon report admits fabricated intelligence used to justify Iraq war
09.02: Charging Iran with "Genocide" Before Nuking It (G. Leupp)
08.02: Countdown for Iran: When Commonsense is Nonsense (R. Baroud)
06.02: The longer the US and Britain back dictatorial regimes in the Middle East the more explosive the region will become (Mai Yamani)
05.02: Why the Surge will push us into a War with Iran (M. Whitney)
04.02: U.S. hell-bent for Iran war (E. Margolis)
03.02: U.S. can't prove Iran link to Iraq (L.A. Times)
Iran: A War Is Coming (J. Pilger)
02.02: A political bombshell from Zbigniew Brzezinski - "... warns that Bush is seeking a pretext to attack Iran"
The War On Iran (S. Gowans)
The neocons have learned nothing (F. Fukuyama)
01.02: The 'axis of fear' is born - "The Bush administration ... is getting what it wants ... To battle a fictitious Shi'ite crescent ... it has emboldened even more a reactionary Sunni crescent"" (P. Escobar)
27.02: A group of Irish Roman Catholic bishops on Tuesday called into question Ireland's commercial ties with Israel - "Israel has turned Gaza Strip into a 'large prison'" (haa)
23.02: Day of Action Against Indigo Books and Music Inc.
21.02: Boykott - Desinvestition - Sanktionen gegen Israel bis zum Ende von Apartheid und Besatzung in Palästina
11.02: Palestinian call to a comprehensive boycott of Israeli products
09.02: Worldwide events mark 'Israeli Apartheid Week' in Montreal; Organizers call for sanctions against Israel
03.02: Campaigners to picket Israeli Company importing Valentine's Day Flowers (BIG campaign)
02.02: A multi-party committee of MPs is pressing for sanctions over Israel's treatment of the Palestinians.
Putsch & Friedenszirkus
27.02: Japan plans to host 4-way meeting on Mideast peace (reuters)
Russian FM: Hamas vows to end attacks on Israel (haa)
25.02: We must continue to hold talks with Israel(imemc)
Amir Peretz: Incoming Palestinian Government Must Meet International Demands (imemc)
24.02: Keine Zugeständnisse für Abbas von EU-Seite
Jordan urges Palestinian compromise - Jordan's King Abdullah has said that the new Palestinian unity government must adhere to the demands of the Middle Eastern Quartet that include recognising Israel, renouncing violence and abiding by peace deals.
Fünf Tote bei Auseinandersetzungen im Gazastreifen
22.02: Arabische Liga will "normale Beziehungen" mit Israel erreichen (standard)
Meschaal: USA müssen neue Palästinenserregierung anerkennen (AFP)
19.02: Nahost-Gipfel ohne Ergebnis (SPIEGEL)
Olmert: "you cheated me by reaching unity deal with Hamas"; Abbas: "you gave me nothing and didn't keep your promises" (ynet)
Mecca opens the way for Europe (iht)
17.02: Rice and Olmert are angry with Abbas for signing unity deal
16.02: Hamas and Fatah face many daunting challenges ahead (D. Kuttab)
Gaza today after few days of palestinian fight (M. El-Farra)
Condoleezza Rice: Unity government complicates U.S. peacemaking efforts (haa)
15.02: The hot-air summit (A. Benn)
USA wollen Palästinenser-Regierung weiterhin boykottieren (standard)
14.02: Hamas official accuses U.S and Israel of planning collapse of Palestinian unity government
U.S. Congress freezes transfer of $86 million in aid to Abbas (haa)
13.02: "The Palestinian Authority has fired hundreds of security officers who refused ... fighting against Hamas" (jpost)
12.02: Israel erwägt Kontaktabbruch zu Abbas (standard)
PM Haniya: International Community including US Should Respect Palestinian Will
Palestinian deal faces global critique (csm)
EU will Finanzboykott gegen Autonomiebehörde vorerst aufrechterhalten
11.02: Israel rejects the Palestinian unity agreement - "Israel officially rejected the Mecca agreement on Palestinian National Unity government and considered it out of line with the Quartet Middle East mediators' condition"
Hamas-led Government to resign within 48 Hours
09.02: Where to, after the Mecca agreement? (R. Khouri)
New PA government creates a real problem for Israel (haaretz)
08.02: Hamas und Fatah teilen sich die Macht
Palestinian Child Dies of Wounds Sustained during Infighting
07.02: Ehud Olmert demanded that the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas doesn't agree to form a unity government with Hamas
Civil War or coup d'etat in Palestine? (A. Velloso)
06.02: Palestinians awaiting results of Fatah and Hamas meeting in Makkah
05.02: Mecca meeting: a last opportunity for reconciliation?
04.02: A number of the Executive Force members join the National Security Forces
Shin Bet - PA infighting to escalate
03.02: The American proxy war in Gaza
U.S. to support up to 10,000 extra Abbas troops
Violence in Gaza despite truce
02.02: Internal clashes; 25 Palestinians killed, at least 245 injured in two days
Gaza: No exit (M. El-Farra)
01.02: Fifty Palestinians killed during internal clashes in January
US to send money and weapons to forces loyal to Abbas
Ethnische Säuberung
28.02: Mandela Institute: "Detainees in solitary describe their life as slow death" (imemc)
Security fence and spread of Jewish settlement risks way of life for thousands (gdn)
Israel plans to build a settlement neighborhood near Qalanida checkpoint
27.02: Legitimization of land theft (haa)
"... army bulldozers bulldozes lands and uprooted trees privately owned by Palestinian residents of Um Salamunah ..." (imemc)
Israeli war-ship opens fire at Palestinian fishermen in Rafahm tanks fire at palestinian farmers (imemc)
26.02: Nablus: IDF uses pal. youth as human shield; Tens of thousands confined to their homes; Pal. shot dead (bbc)
New Jersey: Group's West Bank sales pitch draws protests at synagogue
Palestinian economy shrinks 21 percent in fourth quarter of 2006 (haa)
Israeli army attack Nablus hospitals (imemc)
24.02: PPS Appeals for Saving Life of Palestinian female prisoner - "Noura Jaber, 34, who is being imprisoned under administrative detention at the Telmond detention facility, suffering from a kidney failure over the past six months"
All roads lead to checkpoints (R. Kenazi)
22.02: UN: Half of Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza malnourished (D. Macintyre)
Israel destroys Bedouin's crops - "destroyed 3,500 dunams of Palestinian crops with poisonous chemicals" (pnn)
Israeli High Court authorizes Wall construction on Palestinian farmlands (imemc)
21.02: Peace Now: Israeli Settlers in the Occupied West Bank Increased by 5% in 2006 (imemc)
B'Tselem: 2006, settlers carried modifications in 251 outposts. ... included adding Caravans, widening existing homes, installing roads
Israel building 3,000 new settler homes (reuters)
New proposal: Transfer-for-cash plan (jpost)
19.02: Palestinian dead on arrival at the hospital after delay at checkpoint
Israeli Settlers attempt to demolish Palestinian shops in Hebron
Israeli settlers attack mosque in Hebron
18.02: Israelische Marinesoldaten schießen auf Fischerboote
17.02: Abu Dis, 14. Feb.: IDF invades school, attacks children in the classroom
Fischindustrie in Gaza vor dem Aus - "Wie Israels Politik die Lebensgrundlagen der Palästinenser zerstört"
16.02: Israeli Settlers occupy a Palestinian house in Hebron
Landkonfiszierung und Zerstörung durch Israel nimmt kein Ende
15.02: Israeli wall creates "island" villages in West Bank (reuters)
Bethlehem suffering under West Bank land
Israeli army levels seven Palestinian homes in Hebron (imemc)
14.02: Israeli Arab couple petitions High Court - "According to Adalah, the couple was refused permission to settle in the town because they are Arab"
12.02: Israeli army destroy Palestinian Farm Land to make way for military post near Hebron
11.02: Jewish Inroads in Muslim Quarter
09.02: IDF has no plans to evict settler families from Hebron IDF camp after 10 years (haaretz)
08.02: Military rule of West Bank surpasses South Africa`s apartheid
07.02: FEATURE-Palestinian farmers fight Israel eviction threat
06.02: East Jerusalem residents say Israel makes it impossible for them to build
05.02: Israeli lock-down cripples Nablus economy
04.02: Environmental "Ecocide": The undeclared Israeli War against the Palestinian Trees
03.02: Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, of the Masorti Movement in Great Britain witnessing a home demolition: "I`ve rarely felt so ashamed in my life"
Israeli court approves plan to confiscate Jordan Valley land
01.02: Israel's economic siege a silent killer
Die Medienfront
25.02: SPIEGEL: "Iran sieht sich für Angriff (?) gewappnet"
19.02: Das Desaster der Falken (G. Seibt)
Araberfresser, Pseudosemiten, Brandstifter (J. Külbel)
SPIEGEL goes MEMRI: ... ein Schulterschluss, wie es ihn selten gab: Die Fatah, Israel, die USA, ... haben in Iran einen gemeinsamen Feind geortet ...
SPIEGEL Erkenntnisse: Bin Laden (#3830) lebt!
15.02: SPIEGEL bombig: ISLAM-SATIRE "Es muss krachen"
SPIEGEL bedroht: Russland droht mit Kündigung von Raketen- Abrüstungsvertrag
14.02: SPIEGEL droht: Russland droht mit Kündigung von Raketen- Abrüstungsvertrag
SPIEGEL gefährlich: Muktada al-Sadr - gefährlichster Mann im Irak
SPIEGEL erfolgreich: Regierungsanhänger, die einen westlich orienterten, wirtschaftlich erfolgreichen Libanon wollen ...
SPIEGEL in Treue: Kanada: Deutschland treulos
SPIEGEL im Ernst: Nuri al-Maliki macht mit der Sicherheitsoffensive Ernst
SPIEGEL trauert: Bush auf Beschwichtigungskurs
10.02: Gas: Iran turns up the heat (Asia Times)
27.02: Hisbollah: Jumblatt seeks US military aid against Hezbollah (am)
23.02: Suspicion of UN troops grows in south Lebanon (guardian)
22.02: There will be another war in the summer - Clancy Chassay in Maroun a Ras (gdn)
21.02: Lebanon will be first victim of Iran crisis (R. Fisk)
15.02: "Für Bürgerkrieg gibt es alle Voraussetzungen" (S. Idriss)
08.02: The Salvador Option in Beirut - "The weak point is Lebanon, for the Muslim regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan, and Syria will fall to us. (B. Gurion)"
07.02: Israeli army shells a Lebanese army post
03.02: Please spare me the word 'terrorist' (R. Fisk)
02.02: 'Civil war' - Ghosts of the past
28.02: APPEAL: Help South Hebron Villagers Stay on their Land (ism)
25.02: Yosra Ahmad Al Rajabi, 60, died of wounds sustained two weeks ago, when she was attempting to bar soldiers from abducting a Palestinian youth
19.02: Anarchist activist Jonathan Pollak sentenced to 3 months suspended sentence (imemc)
14.02: 16 activists hurt during clashes at anti-fence protest in Bil'in (haa)
16.02: Super-wealthy donors retaliated against Brandeis University for inviting Jimmy Carter to speak about Israeli Apartheid (J. Cole)
Eleven injured in the weekly protest in Bil'in village
15.02: Despite loss of his child, Palestinian ex-fighter remains dedicated to peace
Bündnis in Großbritannien fordert ein Ende Besatzung -
14.02: A mother's resistance (haa)
11.02: Judge Juan Guzman - Just like life under Pinochet
09.02: Pinochet judge visits to see if officials culpable for house demolitions
The weekly protest in Bil'in
07.02: Fatah, Hamas assert common stand against "fifth column" (K. Amayreh)
06.02: Die Bedeutung der Kriegsdienstverweigerung in Israel ist sehr groß (Hagai Matar)
05.02: Prominent Jews call for open debate on Israel - "A group of prominent British Jews will today declare independence from the country's Jewish establishment, arguing that it puts support for Israel above the human rights of Palestinians."
04.02: Israeli peace activists in Tel Aviv protest against the Wall
02.02: Bilin village calls for National Unity
Residents, peace activists protest against the Wall in Bethlehem
Januar 2007
Eigene Veranstaltungen
30.01: Offenes Treffen um Pläne für das Jahr 2007 zu schmieden. Neue Ideen und Vorschläge sind herzlich willkommen!
Dazu wird sich auch das neue
Institut für Palästinakunde vorstellen; Bonn; 19:00 Uhr
31.01: Getting killed for an illusion (A. Hass)
28.01: Wenn Arafat noch am Leben wäre ...(A. Avnery)
Dan Halutz nach Den Haag
27.01: Taken for a Ride by the Israeli Left - A Response to Uri Avnery
Should Israel be in Bush's back seat? (haa)
26.01: Nothing new from Rice
25.01: Objectively, No Peace Now
DAVOS-Palestinians in Gaza suffer record poverty -Abbas
Palestinians Under Pressure To Leave Iraq
24.01: Colonialism and Israel - Out of Europe, Out of Time
23.01: Israel bildet Kommission für NATO-Beitritt
22.01: Solana says shocked by Israeli settlement growth
Quartet upbeat on Mideast peace drive
20.01: Stop the Jewish barbarians in Hebron (J. Post)
Implement which law? - "It's easy to condemn the settler from Hebron ... as a gang of violent thugs. But they are only weeds that sprout from the rotten ground of the cruel regime that prevails beyond the Green Line."
19.01: How Israel Enforces "Demographic Separation" (J. Cook)
18.01: KURZE CHRONIK EINER KETTE VON BRANDSTIFTUNGEN - "Das Tagebuch des einstigen israelischen Premierministers Moshe Sharett" (R. Moskovitz)
Looking from the side, from Belsen to Gaza (J. Pilger)
17.01: Chomsky: "Offensichtlicher Betrug" Israels und der USA - "Zwei-Staaten-Lösung im Nahen Osten torpediert"
What Hamas wants (monde diplo)
Psychologische Kriegführung - "Henryk M. Broder und die "Lust am Einknicken"."
16.01: Impeach Bush - Stop Iran Invasion (C. Roberts)
14.01: Jerusalem fence a failure
The real obstacle to Middle East peace
11.01: Roni Hammermann: "Es ist meine Konsequenz aus dem Holocaust"
09.01: Teddy Kollek: The greatest settler (G. Levy)
08.01: Hurricane Carter
07.01: Psychologische Kriegsführung: "Die Aufregung um vermeintliche Angriffspläne Israels auf Iran ist gewollt"
06.01: "The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel" - Initial Response to an Extraordinary Document (R. Kaminer)
The Kiss of Death (U. Avnery)
05.01: Israel-Palestina: Apartheid oder Konföderation (J. Halper)
04.01: Das "Existenzrecht" Israels anerkennen, heißt praktisch, einem paranoidem Staatsrassismus huldigen (J. Cook)
Manifesto: "The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel" (J. Cook)
02.01: Making the law a laughingstock (haa)
01.01: Avigdor Lieberman: Israel should press to join NATO, EU
31.01: Challenging Israel to become democratic
29.01: Four Israelis killed in Eilat Bombing
The key lies in Gaza (haa)
28.01: Nurit Peled-Elhanan zur getöteten Abir Aramin: Lasst unsere Kinder leben
27.01: Israel's ex-Chief of Staff's fall was assisted by a stealthy rebellion led by his senior commanders (J. Cook)
26.01: EJJP - European Jews for a Just Peace: One year's denial of democracy in Palestine Israel, the United States of America and the European Union bear the responsibility!
PCHR - Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
25.01: Leaked Israeli document gives frightening glimpse of apartheid
One killed in an Israeli invasion into Tulkarem
24.01: Employees, security personnel, and detainees to receive their salaries Sunday
Checkpoint comradeship (A. Hass)
IDF killed a Palestinian boy, east of Deir Al Balah, in the center of the Gaza Strip
23.01: IDF builds an arab city to learn how to destroy it (JPost)
"900 detainees require immediate medical treatment"
22.01: Israel and Apartheid - Freedom Ride (U. Avnery)
IDF source: 44 West Bank obstacles said removed didn't actually exist
21.01: Palestinian Prime Minister says he will accept Palestinian state on '67 borders in exchange for 10 year truce
Palestinian construction worker killed by Israeli guard in Be'er Shiva
20.01: Remember these children - 2006
Two Children Wounded by Israeli Fire in Northern Gaza
18.01: Palestinian Centre for Human Rights - Weekly Report
The racism of Israeli youth - 74% of the Jewish high school students said Arabs were "unclean"
17.01: Israels Generalstabschef tritt ab: Druck auf Olmert
16.01: Israelische Fernlenkgeschosse verletzten zwei Kinder lebensgefährlich
Officers firing lethal shell - killing 4 Palestinians, including 3 children - get off easy
15.01: Two Palestinians killed by Israeli military fire in the Gaza Strip
14.01: Condoleeza Rice auf Nahost-Tour - " Rice begrüsst Tzipi Livnis Vorschlag, die israelischen Sperranlagen aus acht Meter hohen Mauern und Zäunen als "vorläufige Grenzen" eines palästinensischen Staats anzuerkennen."
Avigdor Liebermann: "Militärschlag in Gaza unvermeidlich - NATO soll 30.000 Besatzungssoldaten stellen"
11.01: Israelische Menschenrechtsorganisation - Nahostkrieg im letzten Jahr kostete 660 Palästinenser und 23 Israelis das Leben
Virtual concessions / Making a mockery of the state
Who's afraid of peace?
09.01: Twilight Zone / What are you doing for the holiday?
Israeli army abducts 18 Palestinians from several parts of the West Bank
Machsom Watch requests to monitor airport security checks
08.01: Time to admit failure (haa)
Peretz calls for final status talks within six months (haa)
07.01: Teddy Kollek: "Unified" Jerusalem, Occupied Jerusalem (G. Levy)
06.01: Machsom Watch - Roni Hammermann: "Wir würden sehr gerne an Schulen gehen"
Todesurteil (G. Levy)
Tali Fahima: Tali d'Arc (G. Levy)
05.01: The IDF and the state/ Military law is back (haa)
Ramallah raid: "Officer Commanding Central Command Maj.-Gen. Ya'ir Naveh was harshly condemned for carrying out the operation without informing Defense Minister Amir Peretz."
Tali Fahima: My crime was to protest at Israeli assassinations
04.01: Ramallah: 4 civilians killed by IDF
Indeed there is Apartheid in Israel (a.Aloni)
Tali Fahima: Israeli activist who helped Palestinian militant is freed
03.01: Year end statistics released by Palestinian gov't
Thirty Days Against Borders - Children of Nablus against the Occupation
Mubarak-Olmert summit seeks to relaunch Mideast peace talks
Hamas claims Shalit progress, Israel says it's all 'spin'
02.01: Failure of Palestinian diplomacy in 2006
Hamas accepts Israeli offer of 450 Palestinian prisoners for Shalit
It's simple apartheid
01.01: The Hamas factor - Theory versus reality
Palestinian arts academy opens
15.01: Südafrikanische Organisationen drängen auf den Rückruf des Botschafters aus Tel Aviv und auf Sanktionen gegen Israel
13.01: Israel's Next Battle: Labor unions
09.01: StudentInnen und ProfessorInnen rufen zum Boykott der akademischen Institutionen der Besatzungsmacht auf
04.01: The Cultural Boycott: Punishing the Wrong Side
02.01: A powerless democracy: "... the best course of action is to support a Palestinian civil rights movement ... make alliances ... internationally in order for "the hammer of international opinion and the Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions" campaigns ... against Israel." (R Merriman)
31.01: US "Victory" Against Cult Leader was a Massacre
30.01: US Soldiers Kill 250 Men from "Apocalyptic Cult"
28.01: That Stubborn Iran Pot Refuses to Boil (T. Karon)
Bush schmiedet Front gegen Teheran (Behrouz Khosrozadeh)
26.01: Mideast Strategy Increasingly Targets Iran
25.01: The Evils of Escalation - Bush's State of Deception
24.01: Bush's State of the Union speech highlights crisis of US ruling elite
THE ROVING EYE - The state of the (dis)union
23.01: Hillary Clinton and the Israel Lobby
20.01: First Bomb Carter; Then Nuke Iran! - "The Israel Lobby Trips and Tilts"
Iran Reportedly Set for Talks With U.S.
18.01: As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse
17.01: Bush: 'Iraq should be grateful'
16.01: Iran: Pieces in Place for Escalation - ""The fuel for a fire is in place"."
14.01: US military strike on Iran seen by April '07: "The Bush administration believes attacking Iran will create a new power balance in the region, calm down the situation in Iraq and pave the way for their democratic project, which had to be suspended due to the interference of Tehran and Damascus in Iraq"
Is Baghdad Burning? It is essential to survey the major Iraqi political actors on where they stand with regard to the proposed Iraqi "oil law". Muqtada al-Sadr is the shiite leader who has most vehemently opposed this law.
13.01: Brzezinski: Manche wollen Krieg in Iran
Surge and Mirrors - What Bush Really Said
11.01: Somalia air raids hit nomads, 70 dead - Oxfam
In speech on Iraq escalation, Bush promises more bloodshed, wider war
09.01: Launching the 2008 Presidential Campaign With Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq
08.01: Nuking Iran - Are Bush's Wars Winding Down or Heating Up? (C. Roberts)
07.01: The Surge Pushers - The War and the New York Times
06.01: Stalingrad on the Tigris
Anti-Ethiopia protests rock Mogadishu
05.01: One last thrust in Iraq
04.01: The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil (M. Chossudovsky)
Most Jews ever set to enter Congress (J. Post)
03.01: Somalia: New Hotbed of Anti-Americanism
Analysis: Never again?
01.01: Israeli General urges US-Israel strike against Iran
Blundering Into Somalia Yet Again
Veranstaltungen anderer
01.02: "Welche Chancen für den Frieden im Nahen Osten?" mit Felicia Langer, Trägerin des Alternativen Nobelpreises;
von Vereinigung demokratischer Juristinnen und Juristen; ZAKK (Studio); Fichtenstr. 40, Düsseldorf; 20:00 Uhr
31.01: Helga Baumgarten: Die Gefahr eines Bürgerkriegs ist sehr groß
The Resistance Turns on Itself (R. Baroud)
29.01: Gaza ceasefire comes into force
28.01: DEBKA: Fatah is willing to sustain 200 to 500 dead to prevail over Hamas in Gaza
Abbas security aides amassing arms to bolster forces (haa)
24 killed in weekend of factional clashes in Gaza (haa)
27.01: Gespräche zwischen Hamas und Fatah ausgesetzt - Mindestens 16 Tote bei Kämpfen am Jahrestag des Hamas-Wahlsiegs
26.01: Progress amid mistrust (K. Amayreh)
Update: Thirteen killed, at least 29 abducted in the internal clashes
Abbas: New Ballot Likely in Three Weeks
24.01: Mockery and deception continue
Four Palestinians Wounded during Infighting in Beit Hanoun
19.01: New hope for consensus (K. Amayreh)
18.01: Israel hands Abbas frozen funds to strengthen moderate Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas
15.01: Rice Visit Leaves Palestinians Gloomy - ""What she's asking - this is a joke," said one Abbas aide." - "Abbas was advised by a Saudi official not to believe what Rice says or follow her instructions.""
Abbas calls off his appointments in Damascus after a severe scolding from US secretary Rice
Hamas, Fateh officials meet Damascus, discuss National Unity Government
14.01: Relief in the streets as strikes end and unity government is near
13.01: Palestinian rival factions agree to form coalition soon
11.01: Official: Abbas determined to hold PA elections
08.01: Hamas: Fatah in league with Zionist conspiracy
07.01: In bloody equation, Fatah retaliates in West Bank for Hamas attacks in Gaza
06.01: Abbas outlaws Hamas security force
Hamas force says will double its numbers in Gaza
23 palestinians killed, 135 injured in last week's internal violence
Abbas appoints Dahlan general commander of PA security apparatuses
05.01: Hamas: U.S. is funding a 'revolt' against our gov't (haa)
Haniyeh enters Gaza Strip following stringent security check. The measures were planned by representatives of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, the United States and the European Union.
04.01: U.S., Israel Seek To Boost Abbas With Prisoner Swap
03.01: 5 Palestinians killed as internal tensions reignite in Gaza Strip
Ethnische Säuberung
31.01: Olmert Okays Big West Bank Land Grab
29.01: Peace Now: New construction at outposts slated for evacuation
25.01: "Israelische 'Siedler-Kolonisten', die ins Jordantal ziehen möchten erhalten 70 dunum Land, ein Haus und ein langfristiges Darlehen von $70 000. Sie erhalten 75% Rabatt auf Wasser, Telefon und Stromkosten. Die palästinensische Bevölkerung ist von 300 000 vor 1967 auf 52 000 im vergangenen Jahr gefallen ..."
Jewish settlers desecrate graves, wreak havoc in Palestinian village
Israeli settlers abduct a youth, beat and cut him with sharp tools
24.01: Jerusalem municipality demolishes two Palestinian houses in Jerusalem
23.01: Transfer-for-cash plan - 'Those poor people have been suffering for six decades,' said Elon. '... if we give them the option of leaving they will grab it.'
Die ethnische Säuberung in Palästina (Ende) (I. Pappe)
"... a new military order stating the confiscation of 565 dunums of Beit Iksa, Nabi Samuel and Beit Surik ..."
Israeli separation barrier is cutting off Palestinians from their livelihood (Idp)
22.01: Hebron Occupied, And Deserted - "Hebron presents a vivid picture of the cumulative face of this colonial project."
20.01: Red Cross provides assistance to farmers blocked from their land for four years
19.01: Die ethnische Säuberung in Palästina (2. Teil) (I. Pappe)
Negev Bedouins fight to stay on land
Impossible travel (A. Hass)
Annexation is solution to flip-flop on new settlement
18.01: 10 year old dies two days after shooting
Palestinian patient dies at a military checkpoint, woman died of earlier wounds
17.01: Die ethnische Säuberung in Palästina (1. Teil) (I. Pappe)
The victims of Gaza's identity crisis
16.01: Visa crisis unresolved for the 45,000 foreign nationals in Palestine
Palestinian house leveled in Jerusalem, four pending
15.01: Palestinian, Israeli and International activists to take action against new racist decree
14.01: The easing of restrictions deception
13.01: Report: Administrative detention targets Palestinian academics
11.01: Palestine 2007: Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank (I. Pappe)
Police summon Hebron settler filmed harassing Palestinians
09.01: On the Wrong Side of the Clash of Civilizations; "Israel's Purging of Palestinian Christians" (J. Cook)
Gov't razes 21 Bedouin homes built on state land in Negev
MP wants Israeli youth to learn ethnic cleansing
Interior Min.: West Bank settler population grew by 6% in 2006
Plan: 1,000 housing units in Har Homa
08.01: Unerwünschte Palästinenser in Jerusalem - "Israels Vertreibungsstrategie per Hauszerstörungen und Sperrmauer"
This Road is for Jews Only (S. Aloni)
07.01: Dahamesh Village near Ramla in imminent danger of destruction: "The village has close to a thousand inhabitants, who are denied all municipal services. Their houses were given demolition notices, and the entire village is in imminent danger of being demolished and completely erased."
Israel controls 80 % of Palestinian water and regional control has methodically grown for years
06.01: A six-year mistake (A. Eldar)
West Bank checkpoint removed under Olmert directive re-installed
05.01: West Bank closures, endless frustration (G. Levy)
Men in suits at Maskiot: "... the Americans had been informed of the Israeli intention ... to build a settlement there to absorb dozens of families formerly from Gush Katif. The European Union also demanded explanations from Israel ... They discovered that Defense Minister Amir Peretz had personally signed the building permits for 30 residential units there."
Nablus: Troops broke into several houses and occupied rooftops ... while military bulldozers bulldozed shops in the area.
03.01: The israeli wall will annex 19000 out of 22000 dunams in Al Khader village
Marking the territory (A. Hass)
Parents in prison are strangers to their children
02.01: Illegal Settlements and Constructive Naturalization
Israelis stake claim in valley of discord
01.01: Sammy is an Arab citizen from Acre ... fell in love with the wrong woman - a Palestinian from Jenin ... and married her. Since then he can visit her only once every few weeks in Jenin. (Avnery)
Jerusalem: "The discriminatory policy of ... the municipality illustrates the ambiguity between the ethos of the city's unification and its Judaization. Israelis are perfectly fine with this ambiguity. Who cares whether this is inconvenient for the Palestinians?" (A. Eldar)
Israeli police officer living in illegal outpost
Settlement sewage polluting northern West Bank
29.01: "Refuseniks" sponsored by Jewish, Palestinian organizations tour US, speak against IDF policy in territories
27.01: Twilight Zone / 'I've lost my heart' (G. Levy)
Lost in the machine - "As of November 2006, Israel has been holding approximately 700 Palestinians in administrative detention ... The information that forms the basis for detentions is classified; this means that neither the detainee nor his lawyer can challenge it."
26.01: Eight civilians injured in the weekly non-violent protest in Bilin
20.01: Despite frustration, southern Bethlehem farmers continue to resist land confiscation
International Peace Activists in Hebron Protest at the Wall
19.01: Anti-Wall demonstration in Um Salamonah village near Bethlehem
Peace Now activists protest Hebron settlers
28.01: Why Fisk is wrong about Lebanon (M. Whitney)
25.01: Olmert: Libanon-Krieg war ein Erfolg für Israel
23.01: Lebanon Diary - On the Edge of Civil War: the Cedar Revolution Goes South
22.01: Lebanon prepares for largest general strike to protest unconstitutional government
15.01: Large-scale escalation very likely (Al Manar)
05.01: Protesters in Lebanon have a simple message for Britain and the US: you cannot expect Arab democracies to operate on western terms.
03.01: Israeli warplanes monitor Lebanese-Syrian borders
02.01: Survey: Lebanon war damaged Israel's deterring image
01.01: Lebanon Destroyed, Destabilised, Desperate for Change (D. Jamail)
Dezember 2006
Veranstaltungen: AG Palästina anders
06.12:Bazar und Buffet mit dem orientalischen Märchenererzähler Salim Alafenisch und der palästinensischen Tanzgruppe 'Al Quds'; Bonn
27.12: The Embarrassment of the Wretched
European Investment Banks ends Israel 'freeze'
21.12: Letters: Why we support a cultural boycott
18.12: COSATU and the South African Council of Churches called to implement sanctions against Israel
15.12: Israel boycott may be the way to peace
12.12: Amnesty asks EU to impose arms embargo on Israel
08.12: BIG Day of Action - December 9th
04.12: Birzeit students and lecturers call for academic boycott
Special report: 2006, a year of elections, invasions, chaos and "Shalit"
29.12: End of the neocons
27.12: Gwynne Dyer: Palestine and Democracy
22.12: Middle East Peace Process: Stagnation by Design
21.12: Interview: Nicht mit Unrecht identifizieren" - Rolf Verleger über den Nahostkonflikt und die Erklärung Shalom 5767
On Israel's "Right to Exist"
20.12: Rückblick 2006: Libanon-Krieg und Gaza-Belagerung
Holocaust Deniers and the Iraq Study Group
19.12: Do America and Israel want the Middle East engulfed by civil war? (J. Cook)
15.12: Das Mantra des Existenzrechts Israels (A. Hamadeh)
Palestinian "Civil War" and the Israeli Chocolate Ration
14.12: Why Hamas May Be Right - The Recognition Trap (J. Cook)
12.12: Kurz gesagt: Israel hat ein Existenzrecht, Palästina nicht, wegen Auschwitz. (A. Hamadeh)
13.12: "Bis zum letzten Blutstropfen" (M. Zuckermann)
12.12: EU set to extend Palestinain aid mechanism
A. Hamadeh zu "Rafael Seligmann schreibt einen offenen Brief ... warum Maxim Biller gebraucht wird"
Baker's Cake: Is Bush Going to Bake it? (U. Avnery)
Kühle Logik statt frömmelnder Scheinheiligkeit (U. Avnery)
10.12: amnesty: EU muss wegen Menschenrechtsverstößen in Nahost handeln
08.12: Speaking Frankly about Israel and Palestine; by Jimmy Carter
05.12: Israel refuses visa extensions for foreign passport holders
When Will Kristoff Go to the Occupied Territories?
Gaza and Darfur
Murderous army (K. Amayreh)
The Hidden Agenda of the War on Gaza
04.12: Saudis lead Israel peace bid
29.12: Israel controls water resources in Gaza, West Bank -- report
28.12: B'Tselem: Israeli security forces killed 660 Palestinians during 2006
27.12: Isr. Besatzungsmacht zerstört Wohnhaus im Flüchtlingslager Sha`fat
Abbas to Mubarak: PA ready for 'backdoor' talks with Israel
Israel will Angriffe auf den Gazastreifen wiederaufnehmen
Islamic Jihad: We are firing rockets in bid to sabotage Gaza truce
Top military judge disclosed that 2,700 Palestinians have been detained without trial this year (haa)
25.12: Christmas 2006
`O little ghetto of Bethlehem'
22.12: PCHR Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Hamas puts together plan for 5-year truce with Israel
20.12: Gaza fisherman dies of wounds inflicted earlier this month
Haniyeh bekräftigt Bereitschaft zu Staat in Grenzen von 1967
'O Little Town of Bethlehem' - Barrier Wall choking Palestinian community in birthplace of Christ
19.12: Troops kill 3 Palestinians in West Bank
18.12: Palestinian girl, 14, killed by IDF fire near West Bank fence
An enlightened occupier (G. Levy)
When There's No One Left to Blame - What Are You Going to Do Now, Israel?
17.12: America's outrageous meddling in Palestine (K. Amayreh)
15.12: Arabs in Israel call for a "state of all its citizens" to replace Jewish-only policies (J. Cook)
Twilight Zone / Death sentence (G. Levy)
14.12: Israel kills two Palestinians in West Bank
13.12: First Gaza killing since truce
No Palestinian fishing rod (A. Hass)
12.12: Lieberman: "Expel any citizen who does not recognize Israel and a Zionist state"
An interview with author Ilan Pappe
11.12: Four schoolboys injured in israeli invasion of Tubas
Israeli soldiers kill child with toy gun
10.12: Tutu still awaiting Israeli entry visa to probe Beit Hanun deaths
08.12: Palestinian Centre for Human Rights: Weekly Report
Israelische Soldaten feuerten erneut in Gaza-Streifen
05.12: On ethnic cleansing and racism (R. Baroud)
Child detainee threatened with rape during interrogation
For farmers, much of their land remains out of reach
Israelis invoke Area C and destroy northwestern West Bank homes
Army shoots and kills a resident of Hebron
Ayman Abu Mahdi (10) dies of wounds sustained during israeli attacks last month
Child injured by setters fire in Hebron
04.12: The cease-fire will go up in flames (G. Levy)
IDF troops kill 16-year-old stone-thrower in Nablus (haa)
20.12: Robert Scheer: Silencing Saddam
29.12: Review of the year: Iraq - A nation soaked in blood tears itself apart
28.12: In Somalia, a reckless U.S. proxy war
27.12: Bush Could Usher in a Very Dangerous New Year
24.12: America's Double Standard on Democracy in the Middle East
23.12: An "Islamic Civil War"
22.12: Power struggle in Saudi Arabia: a sign of regional instability
21.12: Die USA haben einen Flächenbrand gelegt
20.12: Bush will den Sieg doch erzwingen
Neo-Cons Wanted Israel to Attack Syria
19.12: Bush administration elaborates plans for bloodbath in Iraq
Democrats Prepare to Fund Longer War
18.12: US accused of using aid to sway votes in UN security council
17.12: Rice lehnt Gespräche mit Iran und Syrien ab
12.12: Democratic Dumb Ass - Meet Silvestre Reyes, the New House Intelligence Head
America's Injustice System is Criminal (C. Roberts)
Support for Israel in Congress is Based on Fear
Iraq Study Group: a bipartisan coverup of Washington's war crimes
10.12: Can't Stay the Course, Can't End the War
Ohlmert to ministers: Keep mum on Baker report, it is internal U.S. matter
08.12: The Iraq Study Group Report's Cautious Appraisal
The Baker Agenda: Troops out, Oil Companies in?
Verantwortlicher für Guantanmo wurde zum Oberbefehlshaber der Nato ernannt
The Roman Empire is falling - so it turns to Iran and Syria (R. Fisk)
05.12:The Death Of A Nation; Interview with N. Chomsky
US seeks Shiite collaboration in attack on Moqtada al-Sadr
04.12: The Bush-Maliki Summit and the New Middle East Cold War
Veranstaltungen anderer
14.12: Fernsehen: GAZA - Das kurze Jahr der Freiheit
05.12:"MachsomWatch - Israelische Frauen an den Kontrollposten der Besatzungsarmee im Westjordanland"
Buchvorstellung in Köln mit U. Vestring
- 2.12:
Bonner Afrika Konferenz Neue Partnerschaft mit Afrika
12.12: www.gush.shalom
10.12: Weinverkauf aus Betlehem; Aktion zur Aufrechterhaltung der Berufsschule in Betlehem und zum Erhalt von Arbeitsplätzen in den besetzten Gebieten.
08.12: Olivenöl aus Palästina
Ein Beitrag zur Linderung der Not palästinensischer Kleinbauernfamilien
Putsch in Gaza
29.12: Rice Told Lieberman: 'Choke Hamas'
Olmert and Abbas "push the wedge" in Palestine
Inching towards implosion
28.12: Back to politics of gimmicks (H. Nimah)
Palestinian group: Egyptian arms will be used against Israel
Ägypten unterstützt Fatah mit Waffen
26.12: US, European officials visit Fatah base in Jordan
24.12: Shin Bet: Fatah has near zero chance of winning PA elections
Olmert giving Abbas one last chance to earn international backing for future operation
23.12: Abbas loyalists block entry of money to Palestinians
Israel OKs Release of Palestinian Funds
22.12: Israel considering releasing money to aid President Abbas
21.12: Abbas erhebt eine verfassungswidrige Forderung - und erntet Zustimmung im Westen
EU: Palestinians agree to crack down on Hamas cash smuggling
20.12: Olmert: No good reason why I shouldn't meet with Abbas
Olmert in Amman to discuss moving Badr force to Gaza
19.12: US weapons prompt Hamas arms race?
This is an attempt to overturn our elections
18.12: Hamas darf weiterregieren, wenn sie Israel anerkennt
Palestinian PM: Hamas will not participate in elections
17.12: Präsident Abbas fordert Neuwahlen und ernennt neue Fatah-Führungsriege
Dritter Raketenangriff auf Abbas' Dienstsitz in Gaza
June 2006: Dahlan vows to decimate Hamas
US, UK welcome call for early Palestinian elections
Zahhar survives assassination attempt
15.12: Palästina steht vor dem Bürgerkrieg
Mordanschlag auf Ministerpräsident Hanija
Beyond imagination - Haniyeh does further damage to a forlorn Abbas
13.12: INTERVIEW-EU considers paying Palestinian police
10.12: The Election Threat / Abbas can dismiss only himself (haa)
11.12: Palästinensischer Innenminister entgeht Anschlag
09.12: Gewaltausbruch in Gaza - PLO drängt auf Neuwahlen
Palästinensischer Präsident Abbas kündigt Neuwahlen an
08.12: Abbas weighs options for confronting Hamas
An illusive unity: While Haniyeh scores victories for all Palestinians, Abbas is frustrated in his hopes to bring down the Hamas government
04.12: US and Israel Targeting DNA in Gaza?
The DIME Bomb: Yet another genotoxic weapon
Odwan: Abbas' presence in Gaza bad omen
Ethnische Säuberung
20.12: Israel controls water resources in Gaza, West Bank
Army installs a roadblock in Qabatia
Nablus journalist Sami Asi spending his third Eid Al Adha in Israeli prison without charge
Interrogators torture and attack a detainee with metal chains
29.12: Breakthrough for Palestinian Human Rights in Tel Rumeida
200 new trailers placed in West Bank settlements since June
28.12: Israeli forces expanding wall in West Bank's jordan valley
Environmental activists and settlers in the Hebron region ... to stop the construction ... of the separation fence. ... activists and settlers maintain that it will seriously threaten the ecological balance (haa)
Checkpoints: Temples of the occupation (M. Benvenisti)
Immigration to Israel in 2006 reaches 18-year low
27.12: Scharfe Kritik aus Washington an israelischen Siedlungsplänen
Israeli roadblock pledge derided (haa)
Number of blockades in the West Bank increased by 39% since August 2005 (haa)
The new refugees (A. Hass)
26.12: General attorney won't investigate illegal outposts built on Palestinian land
New settlement planned for former Gaza settlers
IDF offered to 'transfer' 2 W. Bank villages, court told
Hebron: Israeli army attacks medical center, abducting residents, while settlers destroy farm lands
25.12: Poverty-struck Palestinians turn to drugs
Israel hat nicht das Recht die Palästinensern ihres Residenzrechts zu berauben
24.12: Villagers Unite Against Apartheid Road
Supreme Court compels finance ministry to explain exclusion of Arab villages
23.12: 'What would happen if the Virgin Mary came to Bethlehem today?' - On the plight of pregnant women in the West Bank, where babies are dying needlessly
Peretz approves seperation wall route around Ma'ale Adumim
22.12: Israelische Kinder werden dazu erzogen, ihre Nachbarn als Unerwünschte anzusehen
21.12: Enclosing the village of `Azzun `Atmah and separating its residents from their farmland
After 17 years Israelis demolish Palestinian home in East Jerusalem
High Court approves cutting off a-Ram from East Jerusalem
Israeli road obstacles rise by 40% in a year, strangling the Palestinians, says UN
20.12: Palestinian nonviolent protest at checkpoint as Israeli soldiers beat student
Expelled Jordanian gets visa to see son in Bnei Brak
40 percent of the land of West Bank settlements privately owned by Palestinians
19.12: The illegal rezoning of Jerusalem's Al Ram
18.12: Worse Than Apartheid
Peretz wants more time to negotiate with settlers over Migron exit
Bedouin, police clash over renewed Negev demolition orders. The Israel Lands Authority views them as squatters and therefore refuses to help them find housing.
17.12: Checkpoint Humiliation
Israeli denial of entry policy continues despite promises made to the EU
Das Elend der Hauszerstörungen
UN schafft Datenbank für Forderungen gegen Israels Sperranlage
15.12: More lands confiscated from Kafr al-Labad, east of Tulkarem
14.12: Two Jerusalem House Demolitions
High Court: International law does not forbid targeted killings
13.12: Study: "Wall forced 17% of Jerusalem families out of the city"
12.12: Israel demolished more Arab homes in the Negev
Settlements further encroaching into Tubas; major loss imminent
11.12: Israeli army bulldozes palestinian vinyards south of Bethlehem
Neue Welle der Häuserzerstörung im Westjordanland
09.12: Why is Israel separating me from my wife?
More Palestinians flee homelands
08.12: Interior Ministry denies status to children of East Jerusalem residents
Israel refuses to process visa renewal requests
The Israeli Interior Ministry ordered the demolition of more than 42,000 homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the Negev desert.
Israeli Government Demolishes Entire Bedioun Village
Checkpoint Sabatash auf unbestimmte Zeit geschlossen
05.12: Fall in love only with Jews (haa)
29.12: Two Belgian peacekeepers hurt in S. Lebanon cluster bomb explosion
20.12: The "Hoax" That Wasn't: The July 23 Qana Ambulance Attack
19.12: How Syria dodged a neo-con bullet
12.12: The Middle East: Mounting Crisis in escalating Chaos (H. Nimah)
10.12: Back to Lebanon - Lebanese nationalism on the rise
Huge demo in Beirut piles pressure on government
08.12: Livni verteidigt Flüge über Libanon
Französischer Präsident Chirac fordert erneut Stopp
05.12: Cluster bomb blast kills man, wounds another in S. Lebanon
Another Bloodbath in Lebanon? (M. Whitney)
04.12: West helps Lebanon build militia to fight Hezbollah
Mass Demonstrations against the US backed Lebanese Government
November 2006
Veranstaltungen: AG Palästina anders
21.11:Fathi Khdeirat aus Palästina berichtet über die sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Auswirkungen der isr. Sperranlagen; Bonn
Protest gegen Einreiseverbot für Jamal Juma erfolgreich!
Dokumentation: Das Jordantal unter Besatzung Kolonisierung, Isolation und Vertreibung
Jamal Juma: Between Resistance and Deception
Fathi Khdirat: "Was bleibt noch von Palästina?"
30.11:Deir Yassin Remembered
29.11:Israelis adopt what South Africa dropped
One State or Two? Rashid Khalidi & Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
HRW Must Retract Its Shameful Press Release
27.11:ai: Stop settlers attacking peace-activists
Does It Matter What You Call It? Genocide or Erasure of Palestinians
Israel muß boykottiert werden (I. Pappe)
26.11:Italy, France call for European action in the Gaza Strip
22.11:Online-Petition "Schalom 5767" (Berliner Erklärung)
20.11:Spanish FM: We were afraid Israel would thwart peace plan (haa)
18.11:Peace will need more than David Grossman - or Uri Avnery (J. Cook)
17.11:A project of dispossession can never be a noble cause
European states offer Middle East peace plan without UK
15.11:"Manifest der 25": Warum die "besonderen Beziehungen" zwischen Deutschland und Israel überdacht werden müssen
Avneri: Wütend auf Deutschland!
Journalists` Coverage of Middle East Shallow and Distorted (R. Fisk)
12.11:South Africa seen as model for Palestine
Those guilty of the Beit Hanoun massacre
11.11:Ein Leben wie im Gefängnis (N. Paech)
Gaza: While the world looked elsewhere, another week of death and misery
09.11:Delegation von EU-Parlamentariern "entsetzt" über Lage in Gaza; EU sollte Sanktionen gegen Israel in Betracht ziehen
08.11:Brief - Wann boykottiert Europa Israels Jörg Haider?
04.11:Gaza deaths 'self-defence', says US
30.11:Army levels a number of shops in Salfit
Army levels several houses south of Bethlehem
29.11:Israeli forces kill woman as she attempts to save man bleeding at her doorstep
Olmert's theatrics (K. Amayreh)
26.11:Assassination, but only after a hearing
24.11:Israel rejects ceasefire proposal
22.11:Israel issues 'last permit' visas, splitting families
21.11:40 Prozent der Siedlungen auf Privatgrundstücken
19.11:Israel orders killing of Hamas politicians
18.11:Israel issues an order to annex hundreds of dunams in the West Bank
17.11:Nine Israeli human rights organizations speak out about Gaza
15.11:Palästinenser-Rakete tötet Israelin
Army invades Qalqilia and takes prisoner a photo journalist
Lieberman: Vocalizing Israel's Apartheid Reality
14.11:Avigdor Lieberman and the substance of Israeli politics (S. Makdisi)
13.11:Israel: Recognize This!
10.11:Divide, Bribe, Coerce and Conquer The Treacherous Road to Oslo Begins Here
09.11:Israeli forces beat schoolchildren demonstrating in Jerusalem; use excessive violence against 10-year-olds
57 unarmed Palestinian minors killed by IDF since June
07.11:European inaction and complicity as Gaza burns
children on their way to school in north Gaza Gaza
Israeli settlers chase families off their Nablus land while soldiers stand by
03.11:PCHR - Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the OPT
02.11:Israeli Left-Right Divide Unmasked as Phony
01.11:Israel backs down on visas for Palestinians from US
01.11:Labour minister quits over Lieberman's role
26.11:Sectarianism, is hardly a new weapon in the colonialist arsenal
New Congress, Same Quagmire
22.11:Bush's Cedar Revolution Collapses in Yet Another Policy Failure
20.11:Is a damaged Administration less likely to attack Iran, or more? (S. Hersh)
15.11:Militarisierung der EU
Middle East is Mission Implausible; Hizbollah will defend European armies in Lebanon (R. Fisk)
13.11:The Democrats Don't Care Screw the Palestinians, Full Steam Ahead
10.11:Angst vor der eigenen Geschichte
03.11:This was a guilty verdict on America as well
Amerika bietet der Welt keine Alternative mehr Interview m.Tony Judt
01.11:Texas Versus Tel Aviv: US Policy in the Middle East
There has never been an American army as violent and murderous as the one in Iraq (S. Hersh)
Veranstaltungen anderer
18.11:Konferenz - Weg mit der Mauer in Palästina; Berlin Europa und der Israel-Palästina-Konflikt
Junge Welt: Visasperre für Nahost-Tagung
GlobalResistance: Berliner Konferenz ruft auf zu wirksamen Maßnahmen gegen die Politik Israels
12.11- 23.11:Roni Hammermann ( Deutschland-Tour
11.11:Treffen der DPG-Regionalgruppe; Königswinter "Leben in Palästina, wie - bitte?" Referentin: Dr. Victoria Waltz
04.11:"Bildung ist Hoffnung" - Benefiz-Veranstaltung; Köln Palästinensische Lyrik (Lesung arab./dt.) mit Musik, Buffet, Tombola und Kalligraphie-Ausstellung
02.11:"Frieden im Nahen Osten - aber wie?" Diskussionsveranstaltung; Kölner Friedensforum
Putsch in Gaza
26.11:Brüchiger Waffenstillstand im Gazastreifen
18.11:Diplomats fear US wants to arm Fatah for 'war on Hamas'
15.11:Israel prepares to allow Palestinian troops into Gaza
U.S.-educated professor to lead government
11.11:Pinochet in Palestine
11.11:Olmert courts Abbas, wants to meet him
10.11:Forget about recognizing Israel
09.11:National Unity Government is victory for Hamas
05.11:Aiming at Hamas, but hitting Abbas
01.11:Fatah's US saviour
25.11:One killed two injured near al Mintar
22.11:Ein Gebet im Paradies (G. Levy)
24.11:Troops kill 10-yr-old boy in Jabalya
22.11:Sderot: 40-jähriger Fabrikarbeiter schwer verletzt
Mutter und Kind bei israelischet Militäroperation getötet
Hamas fighter and 70-year-old Palestinian woman killed in Zeitoun
20.11:75-year-old man killed, 9 hurt as IAF strikes Hamas militants' car in Gaza (haa)
19.11:Bring back Kfar Darom (G. Levy)
18.11:Palästinenser bilden "menschliches Schutzschild" gegen Luftangriff
15.11:EU lawmakers criticize IDF maneuvers in Gaza
Preparing for the next invasion (A. Hass)
Killing hope in Beit Hanoun (R. Baroud)
The Gaza Crossing (J.Loewenstein)
12.11:No one is guilty in Israel
How Israel put Gaza civilians in firing line
10.11:UN: IDF killed 116 children in 2006 UNICEF says 17 children killed in Gaza, and 2 in West Bank so far in November, 40 killed in July
09.11:We overcame our fear
Nightmare in Beit Hanoun; How Gaza Offends Us All
Israeli tank shells 'kill 18 Palestinians in sleep'
08.11:IDF hit clearly marked ambulance workers
06.11:Beit Hanoon, the testimony of a young Palestinian: They shoot at anything that moves
05.11:A bloodbath is taking place in Beit Hanun (G. Levy)
04.11:11 civilians, including 12-year-old girl, among the dead
03.11:Israel Kills 2 Women During Mosque Siege
02.11:That is happening in the north of Gaza, while the world is silent; break the silence and speak for the speechless (Mona El-Farra)
01.11:Israel launches major Gaza raid
25.11:America's Moment In The Middle East Is About To End
A French colonial legacy of despair (R. Fisk)
23.11:Mord an Pierre Gemayel - Tod eines Faschisten
12.11:Hezbollah and Amal Movement ministers resign from Lebanon cabinet
11.11:Sprengsätze in den Orangenhainen
09.11:UNIFIL-Wächter unter Kontrolle; Israel bestimmt die Bewegungsfreiheit der deutschen Flotte vor Libanon
Israelischer Scheinangriff auf Franzosen endet beinahe mit Blutbad
03.11:Umwelt: Libanon auf Jahre hinaus verseucht
01.11:EU to Israel: Mock raids could encourage cease-fire violations
Oktober 2006
Veranstaltungen d. Vereins
31.10:Koordinationstreffen AG "Palästina anders"
27.10:Diskussionsabend mit Kurt Julius Goldstein; Bonn
26.10:Brief: "Dank!" von Latife Abdelaziz
Artikel zu Israel/Palästina
31.10:MEMORIAL on the 50th Anniversary of the Kafr Qasem Massacre
The Scandal of Gaza
Israel kills three in West Bank raids
Israeli barrier and settlement to leave West Bank village with nowhere to go
29.10:29.10.1956: Kfar Qasem - Israeli border police kills 47 workers
Tanya Reinhardt verlässt Israel aus Protest
Refusenik Omri Evron: "Why I can't become a soldier in the IDF"
25.10:Israelis in palästinensischen Dörfern!
Enter Adolph Lieberman
23.10:Ehud von Olmert (Avnery)
"Der israelischen Politik muss sich widersetzt werden" So Matan Kaminer, der eine Haftstrafe verbüßte, weil er sich der israelischen Armee verweigerte
Israel blockiert Nahrungsmittel und Medikamente für Palästinenser
22.10:Help release Bil'in youth
Israeli troops kill seven Palestinians
21.10:Twenty-eight Palestinians killed this week in OPT
20.10:Hebron Reflection: War is Not Healthy
Third Intifada coming (K. Amayreh)
18.10:The power of Questions in times of the Israeli Rape!
16jähriger starb im Kriegsgebiet
16.10:Israeli ambassador to Australia: " .. we are basically the white race."
Siedler errichten neue Außenposten bei Hebron
15.10:Das große Experiment; Avnery
13.10:JORDANTAL - Rassistisches Reiseverbot treibt palästinensische Bauern in den Bankrott. Auch Weidegänge nur mehr in Dorfnähe erlaubt
Collateral damage (G. Levy)
Israelis kill 8 in Gaza Strip
12.10:Seven killed by Israeli fire in Gaza
Roadblocks up by 40% in West Bank
Olmert wooing hard-line fascists to government
11.10:Prisoners of the wall
Israel willfully kills two civilians at Nablus checkpoints
Forbidden to settlers, not the state; A. Hass
09.10:Rabbi leads defence of Palestinian olive groves
Israeli army kills 2 Palestinians
08.10:'You Never Know What's Next' An Interview with Bay Area activist Barbara Lubin
UN: Palestinian child deaths in conflict with Israel already nearly double that of 2005
We Can't Go Home Again (nyt)
06.10:Just Another Mother Murdered (cp)
Israel und die USA benützen in ihrem Krieg gegen den Terror Nazi-Methoden
05.10:Refuseniks: IDF employs apartheid regime
04.10:3,500 housing units being built in West Bank
03.10:Palestinian fisherman killed near central Gaza coast
Illan Pappe: The ethnic cleansing of Palestine
02.10:'Smugglers' get 15 minutes to go, then house is blown up (idp)
The Roadmap to Nowhere (T. Reinhart)
The Palestinian people are not cheap (Amayreh)
01.10:Doors of re-entry shut to Palestinians
Israeli forces kill four, including two boys riding bicycles, in Gaza (ei)
Unwritten history; Rashid Khalidi
Israels Siedlungen als lohnendes Geschäft (mdplo)
22.10:To Members of Global Civil Society and Academia Presidents of Palestinian Universities
12.10:Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign against Israeli Apartheid Moves Forward as 600 Attend Toronto Conference
03.10:Ilan Pappe: Israeli academia deserves to be boycotted
Veranstaltungen anderer
25.10:Teilnehmer zu "Wir wollen nicht schweigen"
22.10:Diskussionsveranstaltung: "Wir wollen nicht schweigen" Veranstalter: Karl Rahner Akademie; Köln mit Alfred Grosser, Rupert Neudeck, Paul Oestreicher
20.10- 22.10:Tagung Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam e.V.
05.10:Help the Ghalia familiy
31.10:U.S. arming and training PA guard against Hamas (haa)
Israel draws up an assassination hit-list of Hamas ministers
29.10:Israel mulls Abbas request for PLO's Badr Brigade to enter Gaza
22.10:Countdown for the Hamas government (haa)
19.10:Palästina vor Neuwahlen - die Hamas gescheitert?
18.10:Grinding Palestine To Powder
11.10:A re-run of the Lebanon war in Palestine? (ei)
08.10:America trains Abbas' loyalists in secret camp in Jericho
06.10:The Struggle for Palestine's Soul
05.10:Abbas to request more weapons from US (ynet)
04.10:Not an internal Palestinian matter; A. Hass
Hamdan: Abbas fully responsible for Sunday's unfortunate incidents
03.10:Al-Aqsa Brigades: We'll kill Hamas leaders (ynet)
Weg mit der Hamas (tpo)
02.10:Paralysis of the Palestinian 'Authority': What's to be done?
01.10:Gaza fighting between Hamas and Fatah kills eight people
Fatah rebels attack parliament building
USA allies with Abbas to topple Palestinian legitimacy
Rice to propose 'creative means' to bolster Abbas, weaken Hamas (haa)
31.10:Mossad verärgert über Spionageboot Remember the "Liberty"
29.10:Deutsche Soldaten im Nahen Osten Die Marine läuft aus - die Politik dankt ab
22.10:12-year-old killed by cluster bomb in south
21.10:Israel admits using phosphorus bombs during war in Lebanon
20.10:The use and impact of cluster munitions in Lebanon: 2006
17.10:NATO "Peace Keeping" Forces collaborate with Israeli Military
11.10:The king is disappointed with Israel (haa)
08.10:The US, Israel and Lebanon (cp)
03.10:Der Libanonkrieg und das Schweigen der Komplizen
25.10:US war games off the Iranian coastline
21.10:Amerikas Krieg tötete 655.000 Iraker
19.10:The Next War (D. Ellsberg)
The challenge to the empire (Tariq Ali)
15.10:A Last Wild Ride on the Titanic
12.10:Can We Call It Genocide Now?
11.10:War Crimes Report Shows US Violations of International Law
04.10:Rice hopes to exploit the Arab-Iran divide
03.10:Latin America Declares Independence (Chomsky)
18.10:Rezension: "Morgen wird alles schlimmer" (A.Hass) von Beate Hinrichs (
04.10:Die Attentäterin; Buch v. Yasmina Khadra Interview: Der Westen verrät seine eigene Tradition
29.10:Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten e.V.
20.10:Occupation Magazine
September 2006
AG Palästina anders
26.09:Dokumentarfilm "ARNA'S CHILDREN"; Bonn
Veranstaltungen d. Vereins
17.09:Eine-Welt-Tag in Bonn
02.09:14. Internationales Begegnungsfest; Rheinaue
Artikel zu Israel/Palästina
30.09:Diskin holds secret talks with Arab intelligence heads (haa)
29.09:Critics are Too Generous to Israel (J. Cook)
Act of Vengeance: Israel's Bombing of the Gaza Power Plant and its Effects
The seeds of disaster (K. Amayreh)
28.09:Missing the government of thieves (A. Hass)
Thousands of Palestinians have been internally displaced due to the Wall
Hi-tech firm boycotts Israel over war crimes
27.09:Junge Palästinenserin bei Luftangriff getötet (ntz)
21.09:In 9 hours in Gaza, IDF kills 5, including 3 children, and injures 7
Cancer patients in the Gaza Strip unable to reach Israeli hospitals for treatment
Israeli troops storm banks, money-exchange offices in West Bank, steal millions of dollars
20.09:Gaza: The children killed in a war the world doesn't want to know about
20.09:'No justice' for Palestinian crime victims
19.09:U.N.: Gaza faces major food shortages (upi)
18.09:Palestinian officials allege torture (csm)
17.09:PCHR Condemns Attacks on Palestinian Churches
16.09:Irish academics call on EU to stop funding Israeli academic institutions
Thousands of Palestinian with foreign passports face deportation under Israeli policy
Occupation confiscates more Land in West Bank and announces Apartheid Road
15.09:Gaza's poor struggling to survive (idp)
13.09:Settlers deprive Al-Tuwani village of water
12.09:13-year-old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli fire in Bethlehem
Why Divestment? And Why Now?
11.09:Fatah steps up provocations against Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (wsws)
10.09:Israel, US pushing for Palestinian civil war
08.09:'Quiet transfer' in East Jerusalem nears completion
Gaza is a jail. We are all starving now (ind)
07.09:Ich kann nicht mehr schweigen (E. Hecht-Galinski)
Wir haben die Pflicht, die Kriegsverbrecher anzuklagen (jw)
04.09:The Silent Expulsion (A. Hass)
Land confiscated, olive trees destroyed
03.09:The Israeli occupation, not Islam, is the problem (Amayreh)
Gaza's darkness (G. Levy)
Father and Son Killed in Cold Blood (pchr)
02.09:Joschka Fischer wirbt für eine imperialistische Außenpolitik (wsws)
Israel muß mit der Hamas verhandeln (R. Verleger)
Genocide in Gaza (Ilan Pappe)
"Jüdischer Selbsthass" & "nützliche Hofjuden"
01.09:Sprachrohr der israelischen Regierung (E. Hecht-Galinski)
Veranstaltungen anderer
29.09:Vortrag und Diskusssion mit zwei Friedenskräften aus Israel/Palästina; Köln (Abrahamszelt)
27.09:Bonner Friedensbündnis: Diskussionsveranstaltung zur Rolle der Hisbollah; 19 Uhr
14.09:Veranstaltung: Gemeinde- und Schularbeit in Palästina; Bad Honnef
01.09:Kundgebung zum Antikriegstag in Köln Brandherde löschen - Waffenstillstand sofort!
30.09:Marwahin, 15 July 2006: The anatomy of a massacre
29.09:Bomblets: 12-year-old child killed on Wednesday
Israel attacked UN post in south Lebanon with precision-guided bomb - UN
Israel attacked UN post in south Lebanon with precision-guided bomb - UN
27.09:Libanon: Neunjähriger von Streubombe getötet
19.09:In the area north of the Litani river, you have three or four people being killed every day by cluster bombs
17.09:Libanon wirft Merkel Voreingenommenheit vor
15.09:"Half of Lebanon is destroyed; is that a loss?"
12.09:Lessons of Lebanon (N. Chomsky)
To date 12 Lebanese civilians have been killed by isr. cluster bombs
09.09:70-year-old man critically wounded by cluster bomb in south Lebanon (haa)
01.09:Vor dem Krieg (bz)
29.09:"Was war schlimm am Nazistaat?" (Anis Online)
10.09:Reports from Rafah - Palestine
03.09:Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel
02.09:Jüdischen Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost
01.09:International Solidarity Movement; ISM
August 2006
29.08:Informationsabend zum Libanon-Krieg mit Latife Abdelaziz aus Wardaniye (Sidon)
15.08:Brennpunkt Nahost - Krieg ohne Ende? Veranstaltung d. WASG in Bonn
Artikel zu Israel/Palästina
31.08:Hurtling Towards the Next Intifada (J. Cook)
Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Deception as a Way of Life (J. Cook)
Die Last der Kollaboration (A. Hass)
The Worst Kind of Terror (cp)
30.08:Twilight Zone / Deadly diaries (G. Levy)
Settlers on Israel's eastern frontier (monde diplo)
19.08:Shu'fat Refugee Camp residents appealing for water
18.08:Israelischen Soldaten verweigern Einsatz
15.08:You are terrorists, we are virtuous (LRB)
14.08:Israel's other war still rages
13.08:Waffenexport stoppen! (netz)
12.08:Gaza: Plain genocide (Ahram)
Israel, die UN und der Mord an Graf Bernadotte (wsws)
How I Found Myself with the Islamic Fascists (Cook)
08.08:Amerikanisch-israelisches Kriegsziel ist die Vernichtung des Libanon
UN-Resolution zum Libanon: Vorschlag zu Ausweitung des Kriegs und kolonialer Besatzung
Ground Zero in Beirut (Bild anklicken)
Israeli Intellectuals Love the War (rhc)
05.08:Israel trägt Hauptverantwortung (EJfaJP)
The Case for Boycotting Israel (cp)
04.08:Mitverantwortung Merkels für Kriegsverbrechen (wsws)
30.08:Liedermacher helfen Kriegsopfern
05.08:Aufruf für Friedenskundgebung in Düsseldorf
31.08:Site: Bil'in, a village of Palestine
30.08:"Donquichotterie im Libanon" (Anis Online)
Site: Palästina-Portal
Site: Caritas Babyhospital Bethlehem
Site: Evangel. Begegnungszentrum Bethlehem
Site: Bethlehem Media Net
20.08:Site: Things decent people don't do
04.08:Site: Not in my name
Veranstaltungen anderer
- 9.9:
10 Jahre "Jubiläum" FNF (Frauenmuseum)
21.08:Gibt es eine Lösung im Nahost-Konflikt? Informationsveranstaltung der DSG in Bonn
Juli 2006
25.07:Demonstration: Stoppt den Krieg in Libanon und Palästina;
Samstag, 29. Juli 2006, 11 Uhr; Münsterplatz, Bonn
23.07:Aufruf an isr. Soldaten, Kriegsverbrechen zu stoppen
19.07:Aufruf für Demonstration in Tübingen
13.07:Kundgebung "Not Welcome Mr. Bush!" Bonn Münsterplatz, 16:30 Uhr
10.07:Aktion "Ferien vom Krieg" im Sommer 2006
08.07:The Freedom Theatre: Mord in Jenin
01.07:Erklärung des Bonner Friendensbündnisses zu Gaza
31.07:The Qana massacre (wsws)
One house rebuilt, another demolished (ICAHD)
29.07:Israel, the UN and Count Bernadotte (wsws)
25.07:Thank you, Mr. Olmert! (S. Weber)
17.07:Bericht aus Gaza: Wir leiden miteinander (AO)
15.07:Israel beschiesst Flüchtlinge - 20 Tote (spiegel)
11.07:Israel hits Western aid projects (reuters)
3 Children Killed in an Air Raid on Beit Hanoun (pchr)
07.07:Israel's failed-state strategy (J. Cole)
Gideon Levy: The Martyr Collector (pc)
West Bank loses its vineyard to Israeli wall (tlg)
06.07:Großmächte verantwortlich für isr. Kriegsverbrechen (wsws)
03.07:Schweiz fordert Wahrung des Völkerrechts
01.07:Das Schweigen Europas (bhm)
Terror gegen das pal. Volk (bu)
Berlin billigt Angriffskrieg (jw)
Veranstaltungen anderer
Ev. Akademie - Geschlechterrollen in Israel und Palästina
23.07:Die Matrix der Kontrolle (ICAHD)
15.07:Medienschau Nahost (Anis Online)
11.07:blog: From Gaza, with Love.

Webmaster: Datum: 30.06.07